
来源 :河北自学考试 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:silkji
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一、考试专业 1.高等教育 面向社会开考的专业:法律、英语、汉语言文学、工业企业管理、农业经济与管理、商业企业管理、金融、会计(只限原在籍考生)、文秘基础科、行政管理、国际金融、工艺美术和师专汉语言文学共13个专业的专科及英语、汉语言文学和行政管理共3个专业的本科段。 部门委托开考的专业:税收、中医、公安管理、财政、会计、药学、档案学、乡镇企业管理、基本建设财务与信用、护理、市场营销、机电一体化工程、计算机信息管理、计算机及其应用、工业与民用建筑工程、会计与统计核算、律师、铁路劳动工资管理、农业推广和邮电经营专业的专科及机电一体化工程、法律、会计、中医、计算机信息管理、公安管理专业的本科段,共26个专业。 2.中等专业教育 面向社会开考的专业:会计专业。 二、报考条件 1.凡属中华人民共和国公民,不受性别、年龄、民族和已受教育程度的限制,均可参加我省举行的自学考试。 2.部门委托开考的专业原则上限本系统考生报考。除“公安管理”(本、专科)专业外,其它部门委托开考的专业,系统以外的考生也可到部门报考。 3.报名参加本科各专业论文答辩或毕业综合考核的考生,必须是取得所报本科专业考试计划规定的全部课程合格成绩的考生。 First, the examination profession 1. Higher education for the community to take the test of the profession: law, English, Chinese language and literature, industrial management, agricultural economics and management, business management, finance, accounting (only former candidates) , Administration, international finance, arts and crafts and Chinese Language and Literature of a total of 13 specialized specialist and English, Chinese language and literature and administration of a total of 3 undergraduate course. Department entrusted to take the test of the professional: taxation, Chinese medicine, public security management, finance, accounting, pharmacy, archives, township enterprise management, capital construction finance and credit, nursing, marketing, mechatronics, computer information management, computer and its Application, industrial and civil engineering, accounting and statistical accounting, lawyers, railway labor wage management, agricultural extension and postal management specialty specialized and mechatronics engineering, law, accounting, Chinese medicine, computer information management, public security management undergraduate course , A total of 26 professional. 2 secondary professional education for the community to take the test of professional: accounting profession. Second, the conditions for admission 1. All citizens of the People’s Republic of China, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity and education have been limited, can participate in self-study exam held in our province. 2. Department commissioned by the professional examination of the maximum limit of the system candidates apply. In addition to “public security management” (the college, majors) professional, other departments commissioned a test of professional, candidates outside the system can also apply to the department. 3. Enrolled candidates for undergraduate thesis defense or graduation comprehensive assessment, must be obtained undergraduate professional examination plan for all the candidates pass the course scores.
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