Simulation of Strip Rolling Using Elastoplastic Contact BEM With Friction

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gebilangzi
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With rollers as elastic bodies and workpieces as elastoplastic bodies,the rolling problem can be viewed as a friction elastic-plastic contact problem.With fewer assumptions in the simulation of strip-rolling process,a boundary element method(BEM)for two-dimensional elastoplastic finite strain and finite deformation analysis of contact problems with friction was presented.All the equations for contact problems,which include multi-nonlinearities,were obtained.Incremental and iterative procedures were used to find contact pressure and friction stress.Moreover,initial strain rate algorithm and work-hardening material behavior can be assumed in the plastic analysis.Several examples were presented,and the results of contact pressure and friction stress were in excellent agreement with those of analysis. With rollers as elastic bodies and workpieces as elastoplastic bodies, the rolling problem can be viewed as a friction elastic-plastic contact problem. With less assumptions in the simulation of strip-rolling process, a boundary element method (BEM) for two-dimensional elastoplastic finite strain and finite deformation analysis of contact problems with friction was presented. All of the equations for contact problems, which include multi-nonlinearities, were obtained. Incremental and iterative procedures were used to find contact pressure and friction stress. Moreover, initial strain rate algorithm and work-hardening material behavior can be assumed in the plastic analysis. Overview examples were presented, and the results of contact pressure and friction stress were in excellent agreement with those of analysis.
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