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广义上定义的印度化学工业市场总值约为280亿美元/年,占全球的2%左右,本文主要介绍了印度医药、香精香料、农药三大精细化工领域。印度医药产量占全球总产量的8%,在美国、日本、欧洲、中国之后居第5位。就产值而言,印度药品市场在全球居第十二位。过去3年中,印度原料药和中间体出口每年约增长15%,目前年出口额为6.5亿美元。而印度国内人均消费药品量极低,仅为3美元。印度香精香料工业营业额约为2亿美元/年,占全球该工业的2%~3%,并以7%~10%的年均增长率增长。其中精油工业占有全球18%的份额,未来几年中不仅可满足国内需求,还会有出口;香料和油树脂占世界贸易份额的65%。印度是全球最大的香料生产国、消费国和出口国,就产量而言,占全球的42%,年产量400万t;就价值而言占全球的20%;出口量仅占8%,却占据了全球贸易42%的份额,出口香料为胡椒(46%)、香料油及油树脂(15%)、干辣椒(15%)、坚果油及姜黄(6%)。印度也是农药生产大国之一,而印度本土仅有1/3的耕地施用农药,在世界农药市场中位列第十四,1999年市场总值为5.75亿美元,其中杀虫剂占70%以上,杀菌剂和除草剂分别占12%和11%,印度消耗农药最多的作物是棉花和水稻。 The general definition of the Indian chemical industry market value is about 28 billion US dollars / year, accounting for about 2% of the world, this article mainly introduces the three major fine chemical fields of Indian medicine, flavors and fragrances, pesticides. India’s pharmaceutical production accounts for 8% of the world’s total production, ranking fifth in the United States, Japan, Europe, and China. In terms of output value, the Indian pharmaceutical market ranks 12th in the world. Over the past three years, the export of bulk pharmaceuticals and intermediates in India has increased by about 15% annually, and the current annual export volume is 650 million US dollars. India’s domestic per capita consumption of drugs is extremely low, only 3 US dollars. The turnover of the Indian Flavor and Fragrances Industry is approximately US$200 million/year, which accounts for 2% to 3% of the global industry, and grows at an average annual growth rate of 7% to 10%. Among them, the essential oil industry has a global share of 18%. In the next few years, it will not only meet domestic demand but also have exports. Spices and oleoresins account for 65% of world trade. India is the world’s largest spice producer, consumer, and exporter. In terms of output, it accounts for 42% of the world’s total annual output of 4 million tons; in terms of value, it accounts for 20% of the world; exports only account for 8%. It occupies 42% of global trade and exports peppers (46%), aromatic oils and oleoresins (15%), dried peppers (15%), nut oils, and turmeric (6%). India is also one of the largest pesticide producing countries. In India, only one-third of the arable land uses pesticides. It ranks 14th in the world pesticide market. In 1999, the total market value was 575 million US dollars, of which pesticides accounted for more than 70%. , Fungicides and herbicides accounted for 12% and 11%, respectively, India’s largest consumption of pesticides are cotton and rice.
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