
来源 :高等学校化学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuji712
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A water soluble polysaccharide (HPⅠ) was isolated from the Hericium caput-medusae and examined homogenously by Sephadex G-100 column chromatography,cellulose acetate film electrophoresis and specific optical rotation measurement. This HPⅠconsists of Fuc,Glc and Gal in the molar ratios of 0.423∶1∶2.110. Its structural features were investigated by methylation and GC-MS analysis,periodate oxidation-Smith degradation,and partial acid-hydrolysis. In addition, enzymatic degradation experiments and GC analysis were applied. The following structure of the highly branched repeating unit was established: 6→)-Gal-(1→6)-Gal-(1→6)-Gal-(1→6)-Gal-(1→6)-Gal-(1→6)-Gal-(1→6)-Gal-(1→6)-Gal-(1→6)-Gal-(1→ 2 ↑ 1 2 ↑ 1 2 ↑ 1 Gal-(1→4)-Fuc Glc-(1→3)-Glc 2 Gal-(1→6)-Glc 3 The activities of HPⅠwere tested in mice. All the samples exhibited high effect of prevention and cure against chronic gastricism. A water soluble polysaccharide (HPI) was isolated from the Hericium caput-medusae and examined homogenously by Sephadex G-100 column chromatography,cellulose acetate film electrophoresis and specific optical rotation measurement. This HPIconsists of Fuc,Glc and Gal in the molar ratios of 0.423 :2.1.10. Its structural features were investigated by methylation and GC-MS analysis, period oxidation-Smith degradation, and partial acid-hydrolysis. In addition, enzymatic degradation experiments and GC analysis were applied. The following structure of the active tarned Unit was established: 6→)-Gal-(1→6)-Gal-(1→6)-Gal-(1→6)-Gal-(1→6)-Gal-(1→6)-Gal- (1→6)-Gal-(1→6)-Gal-(1→6)-Gal-(1→ 2 ↑ 1 2 ↑ 1 2 ↑ 1 Gal-(1→4)-Fuc Glc-(1→ 3)-Glc 2 Gal-(1→6)-Glc 3 The activities of HPIwere tested in m Ice. All the samples exhibited high effect of prevention and curable against chronic gastricism.
在我们这个国家,古老而不为大众所知的事物很多,但像於菟这样在当代还具有古老活力的民俗活动,的确已经不多了。“於菟”(WU TU),是古汉语,意为老虎。是生活在青海省同仁县隆
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我县历年多在9月下旬初出现寒露风。它的出现对正在抽穗扬花的双晚影响很大,常造成一定的减产。防止寒露风的危害, My county over the years in early September there was
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