走好转型升级之路 提升专卖管理科学化水平

来源 :湖南烟草 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cxr349150
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加快转变市场监管方式,推动专卖管理转型升级,是落实科学发展观的重要举措,是适应行业内外环境变化的必然要求。湖南卷烟产销量、烟叶收购量都排全国前列,烟机、烟用辅料生产和复烤加工等烟草专卖品生产经营企业种类齐全,全省烟草专卖管理点多、面广、任务重、监管力量不足问题比较突出,因此,走好转型升级之路,对于湖南提升专卖管理科学化水平具有重要而特殊的意义。 Accelerating the transformation of market supervision and promoting the transformation and upgrading of monopoly management is an important measure for implementing the scientific concept of development and is an inevitable requirement for adapting to changes in the environment both inside and outside the industry. Hunan cigarette production and sales, the purchase amount of tobacco are ranked the forefront of the country, tobacco machine, tobacco accessories production and re-roasted processing and other tobacco monopoly production and management of various types of enterprises, the province’s tobacco monopoly management more, a wide range of tasks, regulatory power Shortage problems are more prominent, therefore, take a good way to upgrade and upgrade, for Hunan to improve the scientific management of monopoly has important and special significance.