Antimony oxidation and adsorption by in-situ formed biogenic Mn oxide and Fe-Mn oxides

来源 :Journal of Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wpqh918
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Antimony(Sb), which can be toxic at relatively low concentrations, may co-exist with Mn(Ⅱ)and/or Fe(Ⅱ) in some groundwater and surface water bodies. Here we investigated the potential oxidation and adsorption pathways of Sb(Ⅲ and V) species in the presence of Mn(Ⅱ) and Mn-oxidizing bacteria, with or without Fe(Ⅱ). Batch experiments were conducted to determine the oxidation and adsorption characteristics of Sb species in the presence of biogenic Mn oxides(BMOs), which were formed in-situ via the oxidation of Mn(Ⅱ) by a Mn-oxidizing bacterium(Pseudomonas sp. QJX-1). Results indicated that Sb(Ⅲ) ions could be oxidized to Sb(V) ions by BMO, but only Sb(V) originating from Sb(Ⅲ) oxidation was adsorbed effectively by BMO. Introduced Fe(Ⅱ) was chemically oxidized to Fe OOH, the precipitates of which mixed with BMO to form a new compound, biogenic Fe–Mn oxides(BFMO). The BMO part of the BFMO mainly oxidized and the Fe OOH of the BFMO mainly adsorbed the Sb species. In aquatic solutions containing both As(Ⅲ) and Sb(Ⅲ), the BFMO that formed in-situ preferentially oxidized Sb over As but adsorbed As more efficiently. Chemical analysis and reverse transcription real-time polymerase chain reaction revealed that the presence of Fe(Ⅱ), As(Ⅲ) and Sb(Ⅲ) accelerated the oxidation of Mn(Ⅱ) but inhibited the activity of Mn-oxidizing bacteria. These results provide significant insights into the biogeochemical pathways of Sb, Mn(Ⅱ) in aquatic ecosystems, with or without Fe(Ⅱ). Antimony (Sb), which can be toxic at relatively low concentrations, may co-exist with Mn (II) and / or Fe (II) in some groundwater and surface water bodies. Here we investigated the potential oxidation and adsorption pathways of Sb Ⅲ and V) species in the presence of Mn (Ⅱ) and Mn-oxidizing bacteria, with or without Fe (Ⅱ). Batch experiments were conducted to determine the oxidation and adsorption characteristics of the Sb species in the presence of biogenic Mn oxides (BMOs ), which were formed in-situ via the oxidation of Mn (Ⅱ) by a Mn-oxidizing bacterium (Pseudomonas sp. QJX-1). The results showed that Sb (Ⅲ) ions could be oxidized to Sb Introduced Fe (Ⅱ) was chemically oxidized to Fe OOH, the precipitates of which mixed with BMO to form a new compound, biogenic Fe-Mn oxides (BFMO). The BMO part of the BFMO mainly oxidized and the Fe OOH of the BFMO primarily adsorbed the Sb species. In aquat The BFMO that formed in-situ preferentially oxidized Sb over As but but adsorbed As more efficiently. Chemical analysis and reverse transcription real-time polymerase chain reaction revealed that the presence of Fe (III) These results provide significant insights into the biogeochemical pathways of Sb, Mn (Ⅱ) in aquatic ecosystems. These results indicate that the oxidation of Mn (Ⅱ) with or without Fe (Ⅱ).
星期六的早上,天气晴朗,太阳公公早早露脸了。芳芳心想:一大早太阳就炙烤着大地,到了下午植物们会被晒干的,得给花圃里的花宝宝浇水才行。于是,她端着一盆水从家里走出来。这时,小军刚好从芳芳家门口走过,嘴里吃着一根香蕉。小军吃完香蕉,把香蕉皮随手一扔,香蕉皮落在他身后的地板上。芳芳端着一大盆的水走在他身后,没注意到脚下的香蕉皮,一脚踩上去,脚一滑,芳芳 “啊”地大叫一声,就往前摔倒了,手里的那盆水也跟着