Hydroxyl radical formation upon dark oxidation of reduced iron minerals:Effects of iron species and

来源 :中国化学快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chrisl0708
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Dark formation of hydroxyl radical upon oxidation of reduced iron minerals plays an important role in the degradation and transformation of organic and inorganic pollutants. Herein, we compared the hydroxyl radical formation from various reduced iron minerals at different redox conditions. ·OH production was generally observed from the oxidation of reduced iron minerals, following the order: mackinawite (FeS) > reduced nontronite (iron-bearing smectite clay) > pyrite (FeS2) > siderite (FeCO3). Structural Fe2+ and dissolved O2 play critical roles in ·OH production from reduced iron minerals. ·OH production increases with decreasing pH, and Cl- has little effect on this process. More importantly, dissolved organic matter significantly enhances ·OH production, especially under O2 purging, highlighting the importance of this process in ambient environments. This sunlight-independent pathway in which ·OH forms during oxidation of reduced iron minerals is helpful for understanding the degradation and transformation of various inorganic and organic pollutants in the redox-fluctuation environments.
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1  小时候,我听到最多的词语是:快点。  妈妈说:“快点起床。”爸爸说:“快点吃饭。”哥哥说:“快点走,要不我们就迟到了。”每次听到这样的句式,我都来不及细想,必须快点。  ……  2  小时候,不小心跟别人撞到头,听说这样会长牛角,一定要再撞回来。没办法,明明撞得很痛,还要对着痛处瞄准了,两个人头对头,再撞一次。  撞得眼冒金星。  3  从小,我面黄肌瘦,只长个子不长肉,父母的熟人看见了总说
马远是“南宋四家”之一,少年时顽皮贪玩,不喜欢读书。  一天,马远偷偷溜出学馆,跑到塘边,攀柳折枝,搅水逐鱼,好不痛快。他玩得正开心时,一个丫环挑着两只水桶走过来,马远怪她搅了兴致,想捉弄她一下。待那个丫环打满水准备走的时候,躲在树后的马远“哈”地大叫一声,吓得那个丫环跌坐在地上,水也泼了满身。  马远仍不罢休,装腔作势地喊:“挑水丫头谁家女?”没想到那丫环怒气冲天地回了一句:“混账小子隔墙人。”
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有一个男孩,刚出生的时候屁股上就长着一条小尾巴,上面还长着绒毛。医生说,这是返祖现象,让男孩父母不必太在意,等长大一点就可以动手术割掉了。  小尾巴随着男孩的长大也在变长,刚出生时只有小拇指那么长,到一岁时就有手掌这么长了。三四岁时,已经长到腿弯那里了。这条小尾巴和手脚一样灵活,成了男孩身体的一部分。  夏天的时候,男孩的尾巴就在外面露着,妈妈抱着他的时候,他就把尾巴卷在妈妈的手臂上,这样就会安全