大发动 大宣传 大走访——福建海警三支队大力开展大走访活动

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2008年12月1日至2009年2月,全国公安边防部队集中开展大走访活动,这是公安边防部队贯彻落实科学发展观的具体实践,是进一步密切警政警民关系,夯实公安边防管理工作根基的重要途径。对此,福建省公安边防总队海警第三支队紧贴辖区实际,在“海”字上面做文章,在警内外掀起了“大发动、大宣传、大走访”热潮,大力开展集中大走访活动,夯实群众基础,全力维护辖区稳定。 From December 1, 2008 to February 2009, the national public security and border guards concentrated on conducting large-scale visits. This is the concrete practice of the public security and border guards in implementing the scientific concept of development. It is to further close the relationship between the police and the people and to lay a solid foundation for public security and border management An important way of foundation. To this end, the Third Detachment of Maritime Police of Fujian Provincial Public Security Border Defense Corps has clingy to the actual area and made a fuss about the word “sea”, setting off an upsurge of “big mobilization, big propaganda and big visit” both inside and outside the police to carry out vigorously Focus on large visits, consolidate the mass base, and strive to maintain the stability of the area.
古稀初度,突发心肌梗塞入院抢救。在作导管支架手术前,心跳骤停约10秒钟;幸经医生电击除颤,方使心脏恢复跳动。出院时,除颤在胸前留下的印记,恍若一个红色的“0”字…… Anc
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