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德国民法典之于1900年1月1日开始施行,标志着德意志帝国在民法领域内的法律统一,是德国私法发展史上值得大书特书的事件。文章首先回顾了在德国民法典生效之前,法国民法典、普鲁士一般邦法、萨克森民法典、普通法等在德国施行的情形,突出了当时德意志帝国在民法上四分五裂的状况。接着叙述了学者们围绕制定全国性民法典问题的论争,分析了阻碍法律统一的历史原因。随着商法在德国的统一,以及旨在使德意志帝国的立法管辖权扩张及于民法的修宪斗争之得胜,制定统一民法典的时机趋于成熟。负责起草民法典的第一委员会经过13年的努力,于1888年公布了德国民法典第一草案及其“理由书”。由于该草案备受社会各界的批评,1890年成立的第二委员会受命重新草拟民法典,于1895年公布了第二草案及“议事录”。帝国参议院对第二草案作了少许修改,成为第三草案,于1896年获得帝国议会通过,于同年8月24日公布,德国民法典遂告诞生,在民法领域统一法律的目标乃得以实现。伴随着德国民法典的问世,在德国出现了一系列民法典注释,成为德国民法学上蔚为大观的景象,其中包罗最广的是至今已有百年历史的《施陶丁格尔德国民法典注释》。文章对该注释的发起人施陶丁格尔的生平作了介绍,并对该注释的成就作出了积极的评价。最后,作为注释人之一的作者充分肯定了注释工具书对于民法学说和判例不可低估的作用。 The commencement of the German Civil Code on January 1, 1900 marked the reunification of the German Empire in the field of civil law and was a deserving book on German private law. First of all, the article reviews the implementation of the German Civil Code, the Prussian General Law, the Saxon Civil Code and the common law in Germany before the entry into force of the German Civil Code, highlighting the fact that the German Empire was torn apart in civil law. Then it narrates the scholars' controversy about the issue of enacting the national civil code and analyzes the historical reasons that hinder the unification of law. With the unification of the commercial law in Germany and the victory aimed at expanding the legislative jurisdiction of the German Empire and its constitutional reform in civil law, the time has come to formulate a unified civil code. After 13 years of efforts, the First Committee responsible for the drafting of the Civil Code published the first draft of German Civil Code and its “Letter of Reason” in 1888. Since the draft was highly criticized by all walks of life, the Second Committee, established in 1890, was ordered to redraft the Civil Code and published the second draft and the Proceedings in 1895. The imperial Senate slightly changed the second draft and became the third draft, which was passed by the Imperial Parliament in 1896. It was announced on August 24 of the same year that the German Civil Code was promulgated and the goal of unifying the law in the field of civil law was fulfilled. With the advent of the German Civil Code, a series of Civil Code Notes appeared in Germany and became the spectacle of German Civil Law. Among them, the most extensive one is the “Notes on the Statutes of the Civil Code of Staudinger”, which has been hundred years old, . The article introduces the life of Staudinger, the initiator of the commentary, and makes a positive comment on the achievements of the commentary. Finally, the author as one of the commentators fully affirmed the role of annotation tools in civil law doctrine and precedent.
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读者黄小姐问:非婚生子女应当享有哪些权利? 答:根据最高人民法院的司法解释,“非婚生子女”是指未婚男女发生性行为,或已婚男女与别人发生不正当性行为所生的子女。关于非