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中央人民政府政務院命令政政字第二十二號中央节約檢查委員會关于處理贪污、浪费及克服官僚主义错误的若干规定和北京市人民政府在‘五反’運動中关于工商户分類处理的標準和办法兩個文件,業經本院三月八日第一百二十七次政务會議討論批准,兹特公布,望各地遵照試行。在試行中,應结合當地具體情况,如有認为须要補充、修改之处,應报告本院審核批准。这兩個文件,對於一切違反国家經济政策和财政制度、違反政府法令的行为及国家工作人員在工作中所犯的嚴重錯误,都已按其情節輕重、坦白檢討的態度,分別定出不同的處分;同時,兩個文件又充分地體現了嚴肅與寬大相结合、改造與懲治相结合的方針。这是符合于當前的实际的,是正確的。這兩個文件發布以後,對於所有尚未坦白或坦白尚未徹底的贪污、盜窃分子仍應徹底揭發、檢舉,不得因大多數的問題已轉入处理階段而稍有放松,以致影響反贪污、反盜竊鬥争任务的徹底完成。偉大的‘三反’和‘五反’運动,教育了國家工作人員,教育了全國人民,並將在全國範圍内,肅清舊社會的污毒,樹立新社会廉潔樸素的風氣,使全國人民更加团结,使人民民主專政更加鞏固。在‘三反’和‘五反’運動结束后,國家建設工作即將迅速地轉入新階段。過此以后,不論任何人,如再有此類违法亂紀、破壞国家經济政策和财政制度的行为,均將视為危害國家建設事業,定予從嚴懲處,绝不寬貸。此令总理周恩來一九五二年三月十一日 The Central People’s Government, the State Council, ordered the Central Savings Inspection Commission’s No. 22 Political Consultative Committee on Several Provisions on Handling Corruption, Waste and Overcoming Bureaucratic Mistakes and the Beijing Municipal People’s Government’s Standard on Classifications of Business Enterprises in the “Five Oppositions” Campaign The Measures and Two Documents were approved by the one hundred twenty-seventh session of the Administrative Council of the People’s Republic of China on March 8 and announced in a special manner that all localities should follow the pilot program. In the trial, should be combined with local conditions, if there is any need to add, modify the place, should be reported to our hospital for examination and approval. Both of these documents have already set out their own merits in light of their own circumstances and the attitude of frank review, for all violations of the state’s economic policy and financial system, the violation of government decrees and the serious mistakes made by State workers in their work. At the same time, the two documents fully embody the principle of combining seriousness with leniency, reforming and punishing. This is in line with the current actual situation and is correct. After the publication of these two documents, theft agents should still thoroughly expose and prosecute all those who have not been frank or have not yet completely confess their secrets. They should not be allowed to relax after the majority of problems have been transferred to the processing stage and thus affect anti-corruption and anti-corruption Complete the task of the theft struggle. The great ’three opposition’ and ’five anti-opposition’ campaigns educated the state staff and educated the people across the country. They will, throughout the country, eradicate the pollution caused by the old society and establish a clean and honest atmosphere in the new society so that the entire people Be more united and make the people’s democratic dictatorship more consolidated. After the “three oppositions” and “five anti-opposition” campaigns ended, the country’s construction work is about to quickly move into a new phase. After that, no matter whoever commits such violations of law and discipline, the acts of undermining the state’s economic policies and the financial system will be regarded as endangering the cause of state construction and the punishment will be strictly punished. This Order to Premier Zhou Enlai March 11, 1952
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一、教学目标1 .知识与技能初步了解比热是物质的一种属性,知道比热的概念、单位;培养学生动手、动脑的能力、观察能力,逐步养成科学的归纳、分析能力.2 .过程和方法通过科学
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王某长期从事长途运输,有30年驾龄。一个雨天,在运输中途,一辆摩托车与王某驾驶的大汽车相撞。看见周围没有人,王某想,这里离自己发车和到站的地方都有几百公里,只要没有人看见,谁知道这辆摩托车是我撞的?王某不顾骑摩托车人的伤情,开车溜走了。由于王某溜走,骑摩托车的人得不到及时治疗,伤情恶化了。   当时,如果王某停下来,报告交警来处理,在分清各方当事人的责任以后,交警一般会按照《民法》原则调解和
随着我国城镇居民可支配收入的不断增长,人民的消费水平日益提高。时下,“三口之家中孩子的消费基本决定家庭消费的方向”,广大中学生成为一支重要 With the continuous in
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