竭诚服务 临高必攀——记宁夏邮电器材公司

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宁夏邮电器材公司,是我区邮电行业所属的物资流通企业,也是全区最大的经营通信设备和器材的国有专业公司。公司自1958年成立以来,在为我区通信建设和服务中,做了大量的工作,取得了显著的成绩,为通信事业的发展,起到了物资支撑和保证作用。改革开放以来,公司发生了巨大的变化。他们紧紧地抓住了通信事业大发展的大好机遇,由一个保证系统内部物资供应为主体的企业,转换为走上社会,走上市场的企业。现今的公司,不仅担负着邮电系统内物资设备的供应,而且全方位的面向社会,面向市场,面向各界用户。他们能为广大用户提供品种齐全、系统配套、最新技术的国优名牌、国际名牌的通信设备和器材。他们能为用户提供多功能全过程的优质服务。该公司展示的是一个最新技术、最新款式和功能的通信产品世界。公司的宗旨是信誉第一,质量第一,价格优惠合理,真诚合作,竭诚服务。随着宁夏经济的振兴和通信事业的发展,公司呈现着前所未有的兴旺发达景象。经济效益一年一个台阶,企业实力逐年壮大。1983年全年销售总额仅 Ningxia Posts and Telecommunications Equipment Company is a material distribution company affiliated with the post and telecommunications industry in our region, and it is also the largest state-owned professional company operating communication equipment and equipment in the region. Since its establishment in 1958, the company has done a great deal of work in the construction and service of communications in our district, and has achieved remarkable results. It has played a material support and guarantee role for the development of the communications industry. Since the reform and opening up, the company has undergone tremendous changes. They have firmly grasped the great opportunity for the great development of the communications industry, and have transformed from a company that guarantees the supply of materials within the system to an enterprise that has embarked upon the society and has taken to the market. Today’s companies are not only responsible for the supply of materials and equipment within the post and telecommunications system, but also for the society in all aspects, for the market, and for users from all walks of life. They can provide the vast number of users with complete varieties, system support, the latest technology of the Guoyou brand name, the international brand name of the communications equipment and equipment. They can provide users with all-round, high-quality services. The company showcases a world of communications products with the latest technology, latest styles and features. The company’s aim is reputation first, quality first, reasonable price, sincere cooperation and dedication. With the rejuvenation of the economy in Ningxia and the development of communications, the company has experienced unprecedented prosperity. The economic benefit is a year and a step, and the company’s strength is growing year by year. Total sales in 1983 only
她是一个新的形象 ,她有一个新的名称 ,她似春风吹进病人的心田 ,她似雨露滋润病人的肌体。整体护理 ,一项重要的护理改革。把时间还给护士 ,把护士还给病人。多么铿锵响亮的