
来源 :汽轮机技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:XT327768823
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国外铸造生产中,近十年来广泛应用自硬砂造型、制芯工艺。它在铸件质量、劳动量、劳动条件、节能等方面显示了巨大优越性。上海汽轮机厂1979年试用呋喃自硬砂生产了300MW汽轮机汽缸等重要铸件,并取得成功。为适应生产的需要,在完成工艺试验的基础上,机械工业部第二设计研究院与上海汽轮机厂,于1980年5月开始呋喃树脂自硬化制芯生产线的研制。1981年11月完成图纸设计。1986年5月完成制造、按装和调试。到 Casting production abroad, the past 10 years, widely used self-hardening sand molding, core making process. It shows great superiority in castings quality, labor, working conditions, energy saving and so on. In 1979, Shanghai Steam Turbine Factory tried out furan self-hardening sand to produce 300MW steam turbine cylinder and other important castings and achieved success. In order to meet the needs of production, based on the completion of the process test, the Second Design and Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry and Shanghai Steam Turbine Factory started the production of furan resin self-hardening core making line in May 1980. November 1981 to complete the design drawings. May 1986 to complete manufacturing, installation and commissioning. To
一个世纪以前,北美地质学家对矿床成因问题未予注意;但是到了1933年即在华盛顿召开国际地质会议时,以Waldemay Lindgren为首的岩浆热液论引起了广泛的重视.本文回顾了从矿床
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
为解决工件倒角效率低、浪费设备和铰孔排屑难的问题,本文介绍了一种用于工件倒角和砂光头部外圆的半自动夹具和一种专用铰孔夹具,不仅能提高生产效率,而且操作简便。 In or
As the nation opens its arms to commemorate the 60th anniversary of i the People’s Republic of China on lOctober 1, historic items spanning the past decades ar
本文从力学上分析了叶片锻模产生开裂的原因,计算实际锻造时模具所受的应力,修正锻造角,使得其所受水平侧向力在允许范围内,以延长模具使用寿命 In this paper, the causes
Cr 12型解包括Cr 12、Cr 12W、Cr 12 MoV。它们均属于莱氏体合全工具钢。在铸态时具有网状共晶组织。冶金厂供应的Cr 12型钢均为轧制状态,虽然碳化物已有一定程度的破碎,但