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华盛顿的小雨淅淅沥沥。2004年6月11日上午,美国前总统里根的国葬在离我们记者站百步之遥的美国国家大教堂举行。教堂外主要通道两旁,围观、送行者一大早就挤得水泄不通,连沿街公寓楼的阳台上也挤满了人群。大多数人的心情像低沉的乌云,默默无声。突然,有一群人举着标语,齐声高喊:“里根见鬼去!”“里根下地狱!”顿时,所有的记者都飞奔了过去,闪光灯把这群人脸上照得雪亮。顷刻,对面楼上阳台上传来愤怒的谩骂声:“你们才该下地狱!没良心的,连死人也诅咒。”紧接着,这两群人的口水战越过我们的头顶,激烈展开。“这群人为什么对里根如此仇恨?”我问身边的一位美国记者。“你没看他们身上的字?他们是同性恋者。”里根生前,尤其是在当总统期间,与同性恋者和艾滋病人积怨不小。在艾滋病爆发的20世纪80年代,作为总统的他曾在公开讲话中认为艾滋病是上帝对同性恋的“天谴”。“生活在罪恶中的人应该在罪恶中死去。”一部名为《里根一家子》的电视剧告诉观众,里根夫妇对艾滋病人和同性恋者没有任何同情心,简直到了十分憎恨和厌恶的地步。也许有人会问,从政前的里根,在自由开放的好莱坞是个演员,可是他为什么如此不开化?应该说,里根对同性恋的态度一方面可能出于政治需要,另一方面他确实认为同性恋“不正常”,是“罪恶”,而他一生始终没有放弃对男女之间爱情的追求。他本人的爱情故事,曲折、浪漫、执著,尤其是他与南希之间的恩爱在美国上上下下被传为佳话。 Washington rain drifts. On the morning of June 11, 2004, the former state president Reagan’s state funeral was held at the National Cathedral in the United States, a hundred paces from our reporter station. Outside the main channel on both sides of the church, crowd, walker crowded in the early morning packed, even the balcony along the street apartment block is also packed with people. Most people feel like dark clouds, silent. Suddenly, a crowd of people held the slogan and shouted in unison: “Reagan went to hell!” “Reagan goes to hell!” Suddenly, all the reporters flew past, and the flash shone brightly on the faces of those people. Immediately, an angry scolding came upstairs on the balcony upstairs: “You should go to hell! No conscience, even the dead curse.” Then, the two groups of people’s war of words crossed our heads, fierce start. “Why do these people hate Ronald Reagan?” I asked an American reporter who was around. “You did not look at the characters in them? They were homosexuals.” Reagan was particularly grumbling with homosexuals and AIDS patients during his lifetime, especially during his presidency. In the 1980s, as the president of the AIDS epidemic, he once said in a public speech that AIDS is God’s “homosexuality” for homosexuality. “People who live in sin should die in sin.” A television series called “The Reagan Family” told viewers that the Reagan couples had no sympathy for AIDS and homosexuals as far as hatred and disgust. Someone may ask, from pre-government Reagan, in a free and open Hollywood is an actor, but why he is so non-liberal? It should be said that Reagan’s attitude towards homosexuality may be out of political need, on the other hand, he does think gay “not Normal ”is“ evil ”, and his life has never given up the pursuit of love between men and women. His own love story, twists, romance, perseverance, especially the love between Nancy and him is a fairy tale up and down in the United States.