Urethral fissure is a rare congenital urethral deformity. According to the literature, 1 in 95,000 babies has 4 times more males than females. We had surgery in 1 case. The report is as follows. Patient, male, 18 years old. Due to penile dorsiflexion, urethra above the split, can not stand urination for 18 years and admitted to hospital. Physical examination: the general situation is good. No abnormalities in general physical examination. Genitalia: basically normal scrotum development, short dorsiflexion deformity of the penis, penis flat, full-thickness urethral penile dehiscence, throughout the penis. Straighten penis gap about 10cm, visible urethral mucosa. Urethral sponge dysplasia. Normal testicular size. Diagnosis: Urethral fissure.