
来源 :陕西中医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq85451619
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《陕西中医学院学报》登载了王庆勇《绞股兰介绍》一文,介绍日本研究绞股兰的情况。为了尽快开发和利用我省的这一药用资料,兹介绍一下绞股兰在我省的资源及栽培方法。1981年底做调查准备工作,1982年至今在我省对绞股兰资源做了调查。在秦巴山区采集绞股兰标本55份,同属植物及易混种植物标本数十份。绞股兰标本经中国医学科学院药物研究所朱兆义鉴定。在委托药材公司收购生药过程中,曾误把绞股兰同属植物及其他科植物混 “Journal of Shaanxi College of Traditional Chinese Medicine” published Wang Qingyong’s “Introduction to the Strand”, introducing Japan’s study of the kyphosis. In order to develop and utilize this medicinal information in our province as soon as possible, we will introduce the resources and methods of cultivation of the genus Gynostemma in our province. At the end of 1981, he made preparations for investigations. From 1982 to now, he conducted investigations on the stranded blueberry resources in our province. Forty-five samples of Gynostemma pentaphylla were collected in the Qinba Mountainous Area, belonging to several dozen plants and mixed plant species. Gynostemma specimens were identified by Zhu Zhaoyi, Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. In the process of entrusting the herbal medicine company to purchase crude drugs, it had mistakenly mixed the genus Gynostemma and plants of other genera.
薏苡(Coix Lacryma—jobi L.)又称苡米,为禾本科植物。其成熟的种仁为薏米仁,供药用,有健脾,渗湿,补肺,清热等效用,治脾虚泄泻,湿痹拘挛,脚气,肠痈肺痈和淋浊白带等症。苡米
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细菌性痢疾是夏秋季节常见的急性肠道传染病。笔者运用苏东黎老中医所传之通肠导滞汤治疗菌痢31例,效果满意,现介绍如下: 处方:粉葛9克厚朴9克积实9克木香6克焦楂9克川连6克
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