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辽宁北台钢铁总厂,位于辽宁省本溪市北台工业园区,是70年代初由辽宁省地方投资建设的国有企业。从建厂到“七五”末期,它不论是在全国还是在辽宁,都一直默默无闻。而“八五”以来,它却突飞猛进,声名大振,不论是生产规模还是经济效益,都取得了跳跃式发展。初步形成了工艺先进、产品结构合理、功能较为齐全的生产经营体系,成为大型钢铁联合企业。论生产能力:由“七五”初期的年产生铁19万吨、钢的产量几乎为零,发展到可年产生铁100万吨、钢坯60万吨、球墨铸管10万吨、钢材40万吨、直缝焊管20万吨、电1.4亿千瓦时。论增长幅度:在“八五”期间,工业产值以年平均30.1%速度递增,实现利税年平均以62.1%的速度递增;1995年实现工业总产值15亿元,利税2.23亿元,其中利润1.15亿元,分别比5年前增长3倍、12倍和成百倍。论资产总额:1995年达32.73亿元,比5年 Liaoning Beitai Iron & Steel Works, located in Beitai Industrial Park, Benxi City, Liaoning Province, was a state-owned enterprise invested and built by local governments in Liaoning Province in the early 1970s. From the establishment of the factory to the end of the “Seventh Five-Year Plan,” it has been obscure even in China and Liaoning. Since the “Eighth Five-Year Plan,” it has grown by leaps and bounds, gaining fame and gaining leaps and bounds, both in terms of production scale and economic efficiency. The company has initially formed a production and management system with advanced technology, reasonable product structure and complete functions, and it has become a large-scale iron and steel conglomerate. On the production capacity: From the early years of the “7th Five-Year Plan”, the annual production of iron 190,000 tons, the output of steel is almost zero, and it can be developed to produce 1 million tons of iron, 600,000 tons of steel billets, 100,000 tons of ductile cast pipes, 400,000 tons of steel. Tons, straight seam welded pipe 200,000 tons, electricity 140 million kwh. On the growth rate: During the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” period, the industrial output value increased at an average annual rate of 30.1%, and the average annual profits and taxes increased by 62.1%; in 1995, the total industrial output value was 1.5 billion yuan, the profit and tax was 223 million yuan, of which the profit was 1.15. Billion yuan, respectively, increased by 3 times, 12 times and 100 times from 5 years ago. Total assets: RMB 3,273 million in 1995, more than five years
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五、炉料分布规律 1.粉末作用规律高炉煤气从下部上升,速度较快,穿过固体料柱时携带大量粉末.当煤气离开料面以后,速度骤然下降一倍多,携带的粉末部分沉降下来.在炉喉平面上
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