Protection of Underground Cul tural Heritage in the Three-Go rges Dam Area

来源 :China & World Cultural Exchange | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zyxneu
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A rcheological survey in the Three Gorges started in the early 20th century. In the 1920s, American scholars conducted surveys on cultural relics and fossils around the area. During the anti-Japanese war (1938-1945), Chinese scholars who retreated from the coastal and eastern part also made archeological investigation on underground relics in this area. In the 1920s, American scholars conducted surveys on cultural relics and fossils around the area. During the anti-Japanese war (1938-1945), Chinese scholars who retreated from the coastal and eastern part also made archeological investigation on underground relics in this area.
The original Potala Palace,built inthe 7~(th)century for the meditation byKing Songtsen Gampo,was ruined innatural disasters and human wars inensuring centurie
摘 要:当今农村的经济发展可观,农村财务管理方面有待加强,它要是出了问题,广大农民群众的利益也会触及到,它关乎着农村经济的发展,是农村经济发展的重要的部分。农村的发展迅速,要想让农村的经济健康发展,跟着时代走,我们就要对农村财务管理出现的问题,进行制定相应的处理政策。  关键词:农村经济;农村财务管理;制度  现在的农村正处于快速发展的阶段,也是发展的重要阶段,农村财务管理又是农村经济发展的命脉。
A dozen km west of Lhasa there lies a small village called Sangmo No.5 in Donggar Town. Sitting by the Lhasa River, it is screened on three sides by woods.With
调任八达岭特区,挥手砍下了三板斧,这三板斧所表现出来的不独是企业家的气魄和胆识。 Transferred to the Badaling SAR, waved and chopped three ax, the three axes show