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地球村的人们去伐木,毁了树上小鸟的屋,小鸟在树墩上掉眼泪,跑来一只梅花鹿。小鸟小鸟你别哭,我头上长着两棵树,请你上来筑新家,让你有座会跑的屋。小鹿小鹿谢谢你,快快跑开别停步,猎人正在寻找你,要砍你头上的两棵树。梅花鹿,拼命跑,小鸟在前头来引路,藏进一片新绿洲,那是小朋 People in the global village went to lumberjack and ruined the tree house, and the bird shed tears on the tree pier and ran a sika deer. Birds do not you cry, I have two trees on the head, please come up to build a new home, so you have a run house. Fawn deer Thank you, run away quickly stop hunters are looking for you to cut your head two trees. Sika deer, desperately running, the bird in the lead to lead the way, hiding in a new oasis, it is a friend
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