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看到出生才几天的宝宝的肚脐眼处皮肤又红又肿,稍微碰一下孩子就哭闹,年轻妈妈只得抱了孩子第一次去医院。医生诊断是脐炎,经过处理后才慢慢痊愈。脐炎是怎么一回事呢?母亲在怀孕后,子宮中的胎儿是通过细长的脐带同母体胎盘相连。脐带内有动脉和静脉,从母体中得到营养,并排出胎儿体中的废料,是胎儿的生命线。一旦胎儿娩出母体,脐带便切断结扎,胎儿一侧的脐带残留会干燥脱落,仅留下一皮肤凹陷,这便是肚脐。肚脐是一个皮肤凹陷处,如果不注意局部皮肤的保护,例如皮肤潮湿未能及时拭干,用布包扎后,很容易成为细菌的窝藏处。另外脐部凹陷处留有少量血缘,细菌在此生长繁殖,就成为脐炎。得了脐炎后,肚脐处皮肤发红,有白色脓性分泌物,脐周皮肤逐渐发红、肿胀,甚至深入皮下组织,如果不及时处理,细菌可通过尚未完全闭合的脐血管进入血管,随血流向全身,造成严重的败血症。防止婴儿脐炎的发生主要是保护脐部。要保持肚脐处皮肤的干燥、 See the birth of a few days baby’s navel at the skin red and swollen, a little touch on the child crying, young mother had to hold a child for the first time to the hospital. Doctor diagnosis is omphalitis, after treatment slowly heal. What is omphalitis? Mother after pregnancy, the fetus in the womb is connected to the mother’s placenta through the slender umbilical cord. There are arteries and veins in the umbilical cord, getting nutrition from the mother, and discharging the waste from the fetus, which is the lifeline of the fetus. Once the fetus is delivered from the mother, the umbilical cord is severed and the ligation of the umbilical cord is completed. The umbilical cord remains dry and detached on one side of the fetus, leaving behind only a skin depression, which is the navel. The navel is a depression of the skin. If you do not pay attention to the protection of the local skin, for example, the skin is wet and can not be dried in time, it is easy to become a bacterial harbor after it is wrapped in cloth. In addition, a small amount of blood left in the umbilical depression, bacteria in this growth and reproduction, to become omphalitis. After getting omphalitis, the navel at the skin redness, white purulent secretions, umbilical skin gradually redness, swelling, and even deep into the subcutaneous tissue, if not treated in time, the bacteria can not yet completely closed the umbilical blood vessels into the blood vessels, with Blood flow to the body, causing severe sepsis. Prevention of infant omphalitis occurs mainly to protect the navel. To keep the navel at the skin dry,
  目的 探讨剖宫产术中有效保温对中央型前置胎盘患者在失血量、切口感染率、血氧饱和度、子宫切除率、全麻术后复苏时间的影响.方法 中央型前置胎盘施行剖宫产病人60例患
编辑同志:您好! 我是内蒙古读者。我的儿子冬冬今年3岁,每年冬春两季因气管炎、肺炎、高烧咳喘而住院。他现在对青霉素和磺胺类药过敏。因此恳切地盼望您指教,是否有治疗此
  目的 探讨胸、腹腔镜联合行lvor Lewis食管癌根治术的护理配合要点。方法 通过对2010年10月至2012年8月进行的20例全腔镜下Ivor Lewis食管癌根治术病人的手术前准备,术中
内容摘要:审美范畴,是主体在审美活动中所产生的感受形式。不同的审美范畴给人以不同的审美感受。高中语文课程蕴含着优美、崇高(壮美)、悲剧、喜剧这四种基本的审美价值形态。丑、荒诞在高中语文必修课程中没有得到体现。从审美范畴角度探讨高中语文审美教育,有助于准确、全面理解语文审美教育。  关键词:审美范畴 语文 审美教育  审美范畴,是主体在审美活动中所产生的感受形式,具有一定的范式性。人类的审美范畴在漫
本文首先分析了TMN的体系结构,然后在此基础上对基于TMN的SDH管理网的形成过程作了比较详细的阐述,最后对基于TMN的SDH网络管理的意义进行了讨论. This paper first analyze
  目的 探讨在全身麻醉前后留置导尿管的利与弊。方法 选择2011年4-7月重庆市酉阳县人民医院120例需导尿的全麻手术患者,随机分成两组,观察组,即全身麻醉后留置导尿组;全身麻醉
  目的 总结颈内静脉置管给食管手术患者带来的满意效果。方法 观察并随访采用颈内静脉置管的食管手术患者。结果 置管成功率100%,无1例发生导管堵塞、脱落。结论 颈内静脉置
  目的 对腔镜手术的护理配合方法进行探讨,并总结配合体会。方法 腔镜手术的护理配合方法及效果进行回顾性分析。结果 手术术中护理配合默契的,术中出血、手术时间及手术效