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有一个年轻人特别信仰上帝,他相信上帝肯定会在他最困难的时候出现并帮助他。一次,这个人所在的村庄发了大水,所有的人都被淹在水中,这个年轻人也在水中漂浮着。一个浪头打来,年轻人被卷入了水中,等他再次浮上来的时候,他发现前面不远处漂来一根木头,只要他一伸手,就可以抓住那根木头。年轻人想,我这么相信上帝,上帝肯定会来救我的。于是木头就在他眼前漂过去了。 A young man has a special faith in God and believes that God will surely appear and help him in the most difficult times. Once, the man's village was flooded with water, and all the people were flooded in the water. The young man was floating in the water. When a wave came, the young man was caught in the water. When he floated again, he found a piece of wood floating not far in front of him. As long as he reached for his hand, he could grasp the piece of wood. Young people think, I believe God so, God will surely help me. The wood floated before his eyes.
教育部在近期下发的“关于当前加强中小学管理规范办学行为的指导意见”中强调,中小学管理要抓住重点,认真解决好违背教育规律、影响正常教育 Recently issued by the Minis
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在闭幕晚宴会场的右前方。摆放着8尊1米来高的雕塑模型。这些被命名为“人间天使”的雕塑是2003年5月份由《中国企业家》发起、24位企业家响应 Right in front of the clos
文章根据乌兰察布市、赤峰市高效节水灌溉发展现状,分析了现阶段乌兰察布市、赤峰市高效节水灌溉工作中存在的问题并提出建议。 According to the current situation of eff
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