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香港回归后 ,她作为中国的一个特别行政区将如何与中央政府或国家同时参与世界性的贸易活动 ,她在政治、法律和经济制度上的相对独立 ,势必会引发一系列区域和国际上的法律问题。中国入世之后 ,这个问题显得更加迫切和紧要。此处所发曾华群教授文章在探讨香港自治权发展的基础上 ,概述香港过渡期以来根据《中英联合声明》和《基本法》有关规定在单独缔约权、参加国际会议和国际组织的权利、适用国际协定的特别安排等方面的初步实践 ,并分析了香港特别行政区高度自治权的授权性质、法律根据和国际保障等基本特征。资料充分 ,线索清晰。对于我们了解香港特区在国际贸易领域既有的法律地位和状况提供了法律制度和法律技术上的诠释 ,这对于学界和有关部门今后思考如何维护和调整国家与特区之间、国家和特区与世界其他国家和地区之间的贸易关系显然是有帮助的。 After the reunification of Hong Kong, as a special administrative region of China, she will participate in world trade activities simultaneously with the Central Government or the State. Her relative independence in political, legal and economic systems is bound to trigger a series of regional and international laws problem. After China’s accession to the WTO, this issue has become even more urgent and urgent. On the basis of exploring the development of Hong Kong’s autonomy, the article published by Professor Zeng Huachun here summarizes the rights and obligations under the “Sino-British Joint Declaration” and the “Basic Law” since the transition period was concluded for the sole power of signing contracts, participating in international conferences and international organizations, The special arrangement of the agreement and other aspects of the initial practice, and analyzes the Hong Kong SAR high degree of autonomy of the nature of authorization, legal basis and international security and other basic features. Full information, clear clues. It provides us with legal system and legal technical explanations on the existing legal status and status of the HKSAR in the field of international trade. This will give scholars and departments concerned the opportunity to consider how to maintain and adjust the relations between the countries and the SAR, the state and the SEZs and the world Trade relations between other countries are clearly helpful.
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