
来源 :沈阳农业大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangway77
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1983~1985年对辽宁地区常栽培的16个青椒品种的耐贮性做了比较试验,经三年7次品种比较,初步筛选出麻辣三道筋油椒、世界冠军、茄门、三道筋油椒、巴彦和12—2等耐贮性较好的品种。通过早、中、晚不同采收期试验表明:早期以7月15~24日,晚期以9月中旬至9月25日以前采收为官。中期(8月采收)果贮藏期间易转红且发病率高,不宜长贮(不宜超1.5个月)。青椒贮藏中抗坏血酸含量增加,在成熟的红果中达到最高含量,过熟时抗坏血酸含量显著降低。果皮组织由电镜照相表明,耐贮藏的品种角质层厚,表皮细胞密度大,而且排列整齐,故抗病耐贮,可以此作为一项耐贮性的预测指标。 From 1983 to 1985, we compared the storability of 16 green pepper cultivars cultivated in Liaoning Province. After seven times of comparison in three years, we initially screened three kinds of spicy pepper, world champion, eggplant, , Bayan and 12-2 and other varieties of better storage durability. Through the early, middle and late harvesting experiments show that: early in July 15 to 24, late September to mid-September 25 before harvest as an official. Mid-term (harvest in August) fruit is likely to turn red during storage and the incidence is high, not long storage (should not exceed 1.5 months). Ascorbic acid content increased during storage of green pepper, reaching the highest content in mature red fruits, and ascorbic acid content decreased significantly when over ripened. Pericarp tissue by electron microscopy showed that stratum corneum resistant stratum breccia, epidermal cell density, and arranged in neat rows, it is resistant to storage, this can be used as a predictor of storage stability.
1993年9月美国政府作出了一项重大决策,放弃《星球大战》及新一代高能加速器计划,同时推出了一项引起世界瞩目的高科技项目《国家信息基础工程》NII(National Information I
植物名称:茶梅(Camellia sasanqua)品种为“笑颜”、“绯乙女”等。材料类别:多年生品种的当年生嫩茎或芽。培养条件:以修改的MS为基本培养基,每升附加BA 1—4 mg,NAA 0.05
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