CEPA探索与示范 加强内地和港澳贸易投资便利化

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亚洲开发银行一项名为《亚洲长期增长与一体化:超越贸易政策壁垒》的研究表明,过去40年来,国际社会对贸易政策的关注点主要集中在降低边境交易成本方面。“但是,对于现代国际商务而言,贸易政策仅仅是影响总贸易成本的因素之一.”研究报告指出,“物流、体制和监管方面的壁垒所导致的成本比关税更高”。WTO目前正在进行贸易便利化谈判,其谈判目的也是简化不必要的贸易程序,以公开、透明的方式公布贸易制度信息,合理地征收费用,降低贸易成本,缩短货物通关时间,提高贸易效率。 A study by the Asian Development Bank entitled Long-Term Growth and Integration in Asia: Beyond Trade Policy Barriers shows that for the past 40 years, the international community’s focus on trade policy has mainly focused on reducing border transaction costs. “However, for modern international business, trade policy is only one factor that affects total trade costs.” The study noted that “the costs of logistics, institutional and regulatory barriers are higher than the tariffs.” The WTO is currently conducting negotiations on trade facilitation. The negotiation is also aimed at simplifying unnecessary trade procedures, disclosing trade system information in an open and transparent manner, reasonably charging fees, reducing trade costs, shortening customs clearance time and increasing trade efficiency.
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