社会主义企业试行租赁经营以来,引起了社会广泛争论。本文试图从企业实行租赁经营的客观性及租赁经营的性质等几方面阐述自己的观点。 一、所有制改革的必然性 我们国家正在进行的经济体制改革是社会生产力发展的客观要求,势在必行。在城市体
Since the pilot leasing of socialist enterprises, it has aroused widespread controversy in society. This article tries to elaborate my opinion from several aspects such as the objectivity of the lease management and the nature of the lease management. I. The Inevitability of Ownership Reform The ongoing economic restructuring in our country is an objective requirement for the development of social productive forces and is imperative. In the city body