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《海洋工程》杂志第一届编辑委员会第二次会议于一九八五年十二月一日在南京召开。出席会议的编委和编辑部成员共27人,海洋出版社孙少伯社长等3人应邀参加了会议。会议由中国海洋工程学会副理事长、编委会副主任杨槱教授主持。学会理事长、编委会主任严恺教授作了重要讲话。编辑部负责人员向编委会汇报了《海洋工程》杂志创刊三年来,编辑部所做的工作,主要内容为《海洋工程》杂志的筹建回顾;三年来编辑部经常性业务;印刷出版发行工作;经费开支事项;目前存在的问题和今后改进意见等五方面。会议重申了《海洋工程》杂志编辑方针,由于目前海洋工程事业的迅速发展,不断涌现新技术新信息,因此对编辑方针作了修改补充,对编委会和编委委员的职责等文件作了修订。此外,会议还议论了学会提出的拟创办《海洋工程》英文 The second session of the first edition of “Ocean Engineering” magazine was held in Nanjing on December 1, 1985. A total of 27 members participated in the editorial board and editorial department attended the meeting, and 3 persons, including Sun Shaobo, president of Ocean Publishing House, were invited to attend the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Professor Yang Ying, vice president of China Ocean Engineering Society and vice director of the Editorial Board. Professor Yan Kai, director of the society and director of the editorial board made an important speech. The responsible staff of the editorial department reported to the editorial board about the work done by the editorial department in the first three years since the publication of “Ocean Engineering” magazine. The main contents of the editorial department include the review of the preparation and construction of “Ocean Engineering” magazine; the editorial department’s regular business in the past three years; the printing, publishing and distribution work ; Expenditures matters; current problems and future improvements in five aspects. The meeting reiterated the editorial policy of “Ocean Engineering” magazine. Due to the rapid development of marine engineering at present, new information and new technologies are constantly emerging. Therefore, the editorial policy has been amended and supplemented, and the responsibilities of Editorial Board and Editorial Committee have been made Revised In addition, the meeting also discussed the proposed proposed to be “ocean engineering” English
In many scientific fields such as meteorology, biology, geography, oceanography and astronomy, the angle value is very important, for example, wind directions,
美术课是学生发挥想象培养创造力的重要载体,在美术课中我尽可能利用教材,运用多种方法措施拓展思维,开劈想象空间,激发他们的学习兴趣,让他们在充满幻想、充满想象的、最美好的童年时光,把白己的想象力发挥得淋漓尽致,努力培养孩子的想象力、创造力,为孩子的终身发展服务。  有了比较丰富的感性材料的积累,只不过是给想象提供了原始材料,更重要的是要激趣展开想象。由于儿童对音乐特别感兴趣,因此可以运用音乐创设情境
Although polyimide (PI) and polyphenylquinoxaline (PPQ) are both heat resistant polymers, their hydrolytic stabilities are quite different. In this paper, the e
The length scales L_x, L_y in x and y directions respectively are not in the same magnitude usually. For instance, L_x>L_y. This is called the long wave approx
汉语拼音教学是一年级学生规范化听说读写的起点。汉语拼音是帮助小学生识字、学习普通话的最基础的语言工具,是小学语文教学的一个重要组成部分。如何将这些相对抽象、枯燥的符号,化为注意力难以集中的一年级学生识字、学习普通话的有效工具呢?这就要讲究一个“趣”字。“趣”,顾名思义,兴趣、趣味也。  图画音形兼备,教会学生读、写和有效记忆。一幅幅形象逼真的图画将一个个枯燥无味的拼音符号极富趣味性地展现在学生面前