Semen Malondialdehyde and Its Correlation to Sperm Function

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To determine the semen malondialdehyde (MDA) and its correlation tosperm function. Design: In addition to basic semen parameters (concentration, motility,morphology, vitality, etc. ), leukocyte concentration, sperm membrane integrity and MDAwere also quantified in the semen of each patient. Setting: University-based laboratory forandrndogy. Participants: 20 cases Of fertile men and 32 cases of infertile men. Results: Inour study, MDA was significantly higher in infertile men than that in fertile men. In highleukocyte group, MDA was also significantly higher than that in low leukocyte group.When MDA increased, sperm membrane integrity and the parameters which can reflect thesperm motility, such as SVT and motility score, decreased in varying degrees. The correlation between MDA and SVT as well as, motility score is significant. We also find thatthe deformity of sperm body is significantly correlated with MDA. Conclusion: Increaseof MDA’ lt may imply that mitochondria membrane is attacked by ROS and is damagedand then sperm vitality is impaired consequently. To determine the semen malondialdehyde (MDA) and its correlation tosperm function. Design: In addition to basic semen parameters (concentration, motility, morphology, vitality, etc.), leukocyte concentration, sperm membrane integrity and MDAwere also quantified in the semen of each Participants: 20 cases Of fertile men and 32 cases of infertile men. Results: Inour study, MDA was significantly higher in infertile men than that in fertile men. In highleukocyte group, MDA was also significantly higher higher than that in low leukocyte group .When MDA and sperm membrane integrity and the parameters which can reflect thesperm motility, such as SVT and motility score, decreased in varying degrees. . We also find that the deformity of sperm body is significantly correlated with MDA. Conclusion: Increaseof MDA ’lt may imply that mitochondria membrane is attacke d by ROS and is damaged and then sperm vitality is impaired.
在日本,富含单宁的野桐(Mallotus japonicus)(大戟科植物)的皮和叶,被用来治疗胃溃疡病。本报告作者已从中分离出一种新的称之为野桐精酸(mallotusinic acid)(1)的水解类单
①处方:荔枝核2.5克,鸡内金(焙干)30克,春砂仁6克。用法:上药与晒干的锅巴适量共研极细末。可加入少许糖调味,日服2次,每次12~24克。疗效:笔者儿时失乳很早,身体瘦弱, 1 Pre
在进行吉林省动物资源调查过程中,采得大量的丽蚌贝壳标本,经鉴定为背瘤丽蚌Lamprotula leai(Gray)1834。因背瘤丽蚌在吉林省内过去无记载,特报告如下。 During the survey