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黑龙江绥棱县长山乡过去年年进行财务检查,但由于县社统一组织,抽调一批人,翻翻帐据,吃喝几顿就完事,不负责任;加上干好干坏、查出或查不出问题,报酬年终都由农民摊,捧上临时“铁饭碗”。每年开支的财务检查工资报酬达一万多元,而问题始终不断,群众意见很大。今春,公社进行了体制改革,建立了乡经济联合社,长山乡认真总结了过去的经验教训,针对实行包干到户后财务管理的新特点,进行了两项改革。一是改革检查方法,按照中央一号文件实行“有偿服务”的规定,被检查单位由乡经管站安排懂政策、熟悉业务的人员进行检查,经管站和被查单位签订合同。财务检查也建立责任制,明确检查项目,保证群众反映的问题全部解决,不留“尾巴”。查出经济问题的退款和罚款,双方按比例分成;二是改革财务检查人员计酬办法,即工资费用不再下摊,由经管站所得的退款和罚款中支付。具 Changshan Township in Suiling County, Heilongjiang Province conducted financial inspections in the past years. However, due to the unified organization of the county and township governments, a batch of people were drafted to overturn the accounts. Or find out the problem, the end of the year by the peasant farmers pay, holding a temporary “iron rice bowl.” Annual inspection of the financial expenses of over 10,000 yuan pay, and the problem has always been, the masses have great views. This spring, the commune conducted a system reform and established a township economic union. Changshan Township conscientiously summed up the past experiences and lessons and carried out two reforms aimed at implementing the new features of financial management after the implementation of the principle of “one rule of contract.” First, the reform of inspection methods, in accordance with the Central Document No. 1 “paid service” requirement, the inspection unit from the Township Economic Management Station arranged to understand the policy, familiar with the business staff to check, management station and the unit under investigation signed a contract. Financial inspection also establish a responsibility system, a clear inspection of the project to ensure that all problems reflected by the masses to solve, leaving no “tail.” To find out the economic problems of the refund and fines, the two sides in proportion to share; Second, the reform of the financial inspectors compensation method, that is, the cost of wages ceased to be shared by the management station refunds and fines to pay. With
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