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中国悠久的历史创造了灿烂的古代文化,而古建筑便是其重要组成部分。中国古代涌现出许多建筑大师和建筑杰作,营造了许许多多传世的宫殿、陵墓、庙宇、园林、年、民宅……。中国古代建筑不仅是我国现代建筑设计的借鉴,而且早已产生了世界性的影响,成为举世瞩目的文化遗产。 China’s long history has created a splendid ancient culture, and ancient architecture is an important part of it. In ancient China, many architectural masters and architectural masterpieces emerged, and many palaces, mausoleums, temples, gardens, years, and houses were built. Ancient Chinese architecture is not only a reference for China’s modern architectural design, but it has already had a worldwide impact and has become a cultural asset that attracts worldwide attention.
该品种是一代杂交种 ,高秧长茄类 ,极具耐寒、抗病力 ,对抗低温多湿条件下的各种病害 ,效果更显著。果长 3 0~ 3 5cm ,果径 4cm左右 ,果为长棒形 ,直而粗。该茄子果皮薄 ,几乎无籽
下肢深静脉血栓形成(deep venous thrombosis,DVT)是产褥期较少见的产科并发症,下肢DVT的三个主要原因是静脉壁损伤、血流缓慢和血液高凝状态.由于妊娠期凝血功能亢进及纤溶