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中国建筑,应该朝着什么方向发展?一直是长期讨论的问题。有人主张全盘西化,有人主张中西合璧,有人主张以西洋建筑改造中国建筑,有人主张“中学为体,西学为用”。有人认为,多年来我国建筑“民族形式”的创作道路是越走越窄,几乎走到了尽头。还有人认为,随着社会发展,建筑形式终究要走上“世界大同”。概括起来,我国建筑界对这一问题基本上有三种观点: 1.民族形式——强调继承传统。 2.建筑现代化——强调变革,但不赞成永远地、绝对地抛弃传统。 3.世界大同——强调科技,认为传统遗产的继承没有必要专门提出来考虑。任其发展,世界大同是必然趋势。应该承认,不管情况如何,在西方现代建筑面前确实能感受到一种强烈的震撼——它那单纯、简洁、明快的形体:丰富、迷幻、华彩的空间;清新、舒适、恬雅的环境……但同时,东方建筑的情调、意味、精神 In what direction should Chinese architecture develop? It has been a long-term discussion issue. Some people advocated Westernization, some advocated the integration of Chinese and Western cultures, and some advocated the transformation of Chinese architecture by Western architecture. Some advocated “high school and Western learning.” Some people think that for many years, the road for the creation of the “ethnic form” of Chinese architecture has gone further and narrower, and it has almost come to an end. Others believe that with the development of society, the architectural forms must eventually embark on the “common world”. To sum up, there are basically three viewpoints on this issue in China’s architectural world: 1. Ethnic forms - emphasizing inheritance traditions. 2. Modernization of the building - emphasis on change, but do not agree with the absolute and absolute abandonment of tradition. 3. The Great Harmony of the World: Emphasizing science and technology, it is considered that the inheritance of traditional heritage does not need to be specifically considered. With its development, the world is an inevitable trend. It should be acknowledged that no matter what the situation may be, there is indeed a strong shock in the face of Western modern architecture - its simple, concise and lively form: a rich, psychedelic, colorful space; fresh, comfortable and elegant. Environment... But at the same time, the mood, meaning, and spirit of Oriental architecture
武警学院科学技术研究所 ,是公安现役高等院校中综合性的科研机构 ,主要从事消防指挥计算机模拟训练与仿真、消防安全评价、计算机软件开发、电子技术应用等方面的应用研究。
1 建立和完善人才集合机制,努力建设一支高素质人才队伍。2 建立和完善财力积累机制,增强企业发展后劲。3 建立和完善企业管理创新机制,努力提高管理水平。4 建立和完善技术
成事在合作 9年前我是一个普通的公务员,8年中,我陆续创办和协助创办了8家企业,今年又登记设立了第9家企业,效益都不差。靠什么?靠发挥别人的长处,靠与人合作。 我的事业是
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