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年产70万吨聚酯的国家特大型企业中国仪征化纤工业联合公司(集团)聚酯薄膜厂试产成功,日前召开产品订货会。仪化集团副总经理沈云飞、沈希军出席会议。中国包协会长邱纯甫、中国包装总公司分别致电祝贺。 随着国民经济发展,近几年来江苏省及周边省市塑料包装基材需求量迅速增大,许多包装企业及相关工业企业从广东等地大量进购聚酯薄膜。作为国家56家试点企业集团之一的仪化集团进行股份制改组后,实施多元化经营战略,在非纤维领域中延伸和扩展新产品。经充分市场调研后,决定利用自身的技术、管理和原料的优势,建设年产3万吨聚酯薄膜工程,作为股份制改组后第一个主导型工业项目,得到社会各界和仪化两万多名职工的关心和支持。 一期工程为年产6O00吨包装膜和电绝缘膜,用作食品、药品及其高档物品的包装材料和工业用绝缘材料。94年9月立项;95年2月经多方考察,反复比较,在参加投标中的日、德、法三家制造商中最终选定了法国DMT公司的薄膜生产主线设备,整套控制软件和工艺方案,分切设备选用英国阿特拉斯公司的定型产品;95年7月开工对6年6月建成试产。在调试生产过程中,使用仪化本部生产的白斯特牌优质聚酯切片,经结晶干燥、挤压熔融、铸膜、双向拉伸、电晕处理、卷绕分切等工序生产出合格产品。薄膜生 The national ultra-large-scale enterprise China Yizheng Chemical Fibre Industry Co., Ltd. (Group) Polyester Film Factory, which has an annual output of 700,000 tons of polyester, has successfully tested and successfully held a product ordering meeting. Shen Yunfei and Shen Xijun, Deputy General Managers of Yihua Group attended the meeting. The Chinese Association of China’s Bao Qiujun and China National Packaging Corporation respectively called for congratulations. With the development of the national economy, the demand for plastic packaging substrates in Jiangsu Province and neighboring provinces and cities has rapidly increased in recent years. Many packaging companies and related industrial enterprises have purchased polyester films from Guangdong and other places. As a result of the joint-stock restructuring of Yihua Group, one of the country’s 56 pilot enterprise groups, it implemented a diversification strategy and extended and expanded new products in the non-fibre sector. After full market research, it was decided to use its own technology, management, and raw material advantages to build an annual output of 30,000 tons of polyester film project, as the first leading industrial project after the joint-stock reform group, and received more than 20,000 social and ethical analysis. The care and support of the employees. The first phase of the project is an annual output of 6,000 tons of packaging film and electrical insulation film, used as packaging materials for food, medicine and high-end articles, and industrial insulation materials. In September 1994, the project was established; in February 1995, after repeated inspections, Japan, Germany, and France among the manufacturers participating in the bid finally selected the thin film production line equipment of DMT in France, a complete set of control software and process solutions. Cutting equipment selected Atlas’s stereotyped products from the United Kingdom; starting in July 1995, trial production was completed in June and June. In the debugging production process, the use of high-quality polyester chips produced by the instrumentation division of the company’s headquarters, through the crystal drying, extrusion melting, casting film, two-way stretching, corona treatment, winding and other processes to produce qualified products . Thin film
日本Ya■ashita Soichiro 公司用辛香料洋葱的提取物制成保健食品。它以洋葱提取物与山梨酸以10:1-3:10的比例混合,混合物中这类食料的整体合量为10-100%。该保健食品制作时
板房惊尸  民国某年深秋的一天,天气晴好,流经上海郊外某小镇的蒲溪两岸,野生的芦苇花飘白。一个常年割芦苇编席的汉子,沿溪割了半天,又累又乏,一抬眼,看到了前方不远处那个无人居住的破旧木板房,便奔过去打算歇歇脚。推开吱呀作响的板房门,割席汉子探头一看,呆愣片刻后吓得“啊”的一声大叫,拔腿就向镇巡警所跑去。  小镇民风向来淳朴,很少发生凶杀案,镇巡警所只有三个巡警,为首的是个姓顾的老巡警,本是淞沪警察
据日本《化妆品情报志》报道,欧洲各国护发化妆品1995年人均消费额为:法国38美元;德国2(?)美元;意大利和荷兰各为24美元;比利时16美元;西班牙14美元。 According to the re