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级配离析是导致沥青路面早期破坏的主要原因之一.沥青路面施工中不合格集料的使用产生级配离析.针对传统集料加工方法集料加工质量差、合格率低的缺点,从调查超过30个合同段沥青路面集料加工所用筛孔和集料级配的变异性入手,找到并利用一组标准化筛孔的筛网进行大规模集料加工,指出了沥青路面施工中级配离析控制的关键是集料加工质量控制,给出了集料加工用筛孔与应控制的标准筛筛孔的关系、集料规格与集料加工用筛孔的关系、混合料类型与集料规格的关系.统计数据表明:几乎所有主要控制筛孔的通过率变异系数小于2.6%;通过对229个检测点的构造深度计算其平均值是1.03mm,表面构造深度最大变异系数只有2.7%.实践证明这项技术是我国公路建设中最落后领域的重大突破. Gradation segregation is one of the main reasons leading to the early destruction of asphalt pavement.Using gradation analysis of unqualified aggregate in asphalt pavement construction.Aiming at the shortcomings of traditional aggregate processing methods such as poor processing quality and low qualification rate, More than 30 contract section of asphalt pavement aggregate processing sieve and aggregate gradation to start with, to find and use a standardized sieve mesh for large-scale aggregate processing, pointed out that the asphalt pavement construction grading control The key is the quality control of aggregate processing. The relationship between aggregate processing sieve holes and the standard sieve holes to be controlled is given. The relationship between aggregate specifications and aggregate processing sieves, the type of mixture and the aggregate size The statistics show that the coefficient of variation (CV) is less than 2.6% for almost all the major control meshes, and the average depth of the surface texture depth is only 1.0% This technology is a major breakthrough in the most backward area of ​​highway construction in our country.
The mechanism of Nb-,Ta-mineralizatio is discussed in the light of the properties ofNb-,Ta-complexes in different phases.Experiments show that Nb and Ta are es
由波兰华沙工业大学发明,后又由华沙金属塑性研究和发展中心加以发展的一种带有内成形工作面轧辊的横轧方案,己由华沙机床厂制造出按这种原理工作的轧机。(见图1) 这种横轧
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Road maintenance work brings costs to the government and delays to users. The setting up of work zones often leads to severe congestion during peak hours, espec
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