保持先进性 加强战斗力——全国保持党员先进性教育活动试点单位的经验与启示

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在新的历史条件下,继续保持党的先进性,关系党执政能力的提高和执政地位的巩固,关系党和人民事业的兴旺发达和长治久安。2004年10月21日,中共中央政治局会议决定,从2005年1月开始,在全党开展以实践“三个代表”重要思想为主要内容的保持共产党员先进性教育活动。这将是一次意义重大、影响深远的党内教育活动。此前的2003年2月至9月,中央在全国党政机关、农村、城市基层、垂直管理部门和综合试点五种类型的19个单位,开展了以学习实践“三个代表”重要思想为主要内容的保持共产党员先进性教育活动试点,这些试点单位涉及12个省市、7个中央和国家机关部门,共有103.5万名党员。他们的做法和经验,具有较好的借鉴意义。本刊特邀省委政策研究室党建处的同志撰写下文,对全国保持党员先进性教育活动试点单位的有关经验进行介绍,希望对今后的工作有所启示。 Under the new historical conditions, the continued maintenance of the advanced nature of the party, the improvement of the party’s ability to govern and the consolidation of the ruling position have a bearing on the thriving and long-term peace of the cause of the party and the people. On October 21, 2004, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee decided that from January 2005 onwards, all Party members should carry out educational activities to maintain the advanced nature of party members with the important content of implementing the important thinking of the ’Three Represents.’ This will be a significant and far-reaching educational activity within the party. Earlier, from February to September 2003, the Central Government held nineteen types of 19 units, namely the party and government organs, rural areas, urban grassroots units, vertical management departments and comprehensive pilot projects in the country. The Central Government conducted a series of activities mainly based on the study and implementation of the important thinking of the ’Three Represents.’ The contents of the pilot to maintain the advanced nature of communist activities, the pilot units involved 12 provinces and cities, seven central and state organs and departments, a total of 1,035,000 members. Their practices and experiences have good reference. Articles published by the Party Committee Policy Research Office comrades wrote the following article on the country to maintain the advanced nature of educational activities of pilot units related to the experience of the introduction and hope for future work to be inspired.
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