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目前我国正在进行的新一轮投资体制改革的总体目标之一,就是要建立起按照价值规律的要求,将现行国家公有住房的实物福利分配制度逐步转变为货币工资分配制度,把住房这种特殊商品推进消费市场领域,实现住房商品化。因此,建立和完善为住房体制改革服务的金融市场体系,不仅是发展社会主义市场经济的重要工作,也是把金融服务活动推向社会,实现住房资金投入产出良性循环不可缺少的前提条件。根据我国现阶段的实际情况,住房管理体制在不断改进和完善,对推动对外开放以及促进市场经济发展发挥了巨大的作用,但这种体制仍然带有明显的行政性、双重性、过渡性等特征,故银行房地产信贷部门应以发展和培育社会主义市场经济中对社会经济的顺利发展发挥中介组织为主,各级 At present, one of the overall goals of the new round of investment system reform under way in our country is to establish the system of distributing the actual welfare of public housing in the existing state according to the law of value in a gradual manner to the system of currency wage distribution. This special Commodities to promote consumer market areas, housing commercialization. Therefore, establishing and perfecting the financial market system that serves the reform of the housing system is not only an important task in developing the socialist market economy, but also an indispensable precondition for bringing financial service activities to the society and realizing a virtuous circle of housing fund input and output. According to the actual situation in our country at present, the housing management system has been continuously improved and perfected, playing a huge role in promoting the opening up and promoting the development of a market economy. However, such a system still carries obvious administrative, dual and transitional features Characteristics, so the bank real estate credit departments should be to develop and nurture the socialist market economy in the smooth development of social economy play an intermediary organization, all levels
1 Introduction The exploration practice in the Junggar Basin revealed that tight oils were self-generated and self-preserved in the Lucaogou formation,Jimusar s
本次采访于2002年6月26日进行,地点在上海奉贤路薛寓。 The interview took place on June 26, 2002 at Xuexue Road, Fengxian Road, Shanghai.