
来源 :中国妇幼保健管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:TeaTempTea
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我旗位于乌拉山西麓,有22个乡、镇、苏木,29万多人口,是一个农牧结合、多民族聚居的地区,服务对象主要是农牧民,工作重点在农村牧区。这些地方大多居住分散、交通不便,而我所从事妇幼保健工作的90%是女同志,故所里以往病事假多,出勤率低,下乡时间少,工作开展不起来。针对这种情况,我们实行了“三定一考察百分评奖制”,采取“人定岗、岗定责、责定分、分定奖”的管理措施,对职工进行德、能、勤、绩的考核。一、“三定一考察”内容(一)定人员岗位按照妇幼机构人员编制和卫技人员聘任条件进行聘任。现全所聘有23人,其中高级4人、中级16人、初级1人、财会后勤2人。按照工作需要分设 My flag is located in Wulashan, 22 townships, towns, and Sumu, with a population of more than 290,000. It is an area with a combination of agriculture and animal husbandry and multi-ethnic communities. It serves mainly farmers and herdsmen. The focus of work is on pastoral areas in rural areas. Most of these places are scattered and inaccessible, and 90% of the maternity and child health work that I work in is lesbian. Therefore, in the past, the clinic had many sick leave, low attendance, and less time to go to the countryside to work. In view of this situation, we have implemented the “three-in-one review assessment system” and adopted management measures such as “determining the position of people, assigning responsibilities, deciding on points, and deciding prizes” to perform moral, energy, diligence and performance on employees. The assessment. I. Contents of the “Three-in-1 Inspection” (I) The position of the appointed staff shall be engaged according to the staffing establishment of the women and children’s organizations and the conditions for the appointment of the health technicians. Now there are 23 people employed, including 4 senior, 16 intermediate, 1 junior, and 2 financial and logistics personnel. According to work needs
《中国学术期刊综合评价数据库》是国家级火炬计划项目 ,它是以《中国学术期刊 (光盘版 )》和中国期刊网专题全文数据库的评价数据为基础而建立起来的具有权威性的大型数据库