Experimental methods for determination of mechanical behaviors of materials at high temperatures via

来源 :力学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yx_maomao
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Full understanding of the thermomechanical behaviors of materials at high strain rates and high temperatures are of great importance from not only scientific meaning but also practical value in engineering structure design and safety assessment.Great efforts have been made for abilities of operation the split Hopkinson bars,the most popular technique for experimental determination of mechanical behaviors of materials over the strain rates from 102 to 104 s-1 over the past 70 years,at high temperatures since 1960s.A review of experiment work is presented in this paper to give an overview of the development of experimental techniques at high temperatures based on Hopkinson bar systems.The principles of the split Hopkinson bar requires the loading bars avoiding temperature gradient or keeping relatively low temperature when performing high temperature testing.Techniques such as performing temperature gradient corrections,rapid heating or using special designed automatically assembled systems were proposed by researchers to enable the operation of the split Hopkinson bars at tem-perature as high as possible.Moreover,to the application of high speed photographic technique for capturing the dynamic deformation process of the specimen in high temperature Hopkinson bar testing,some key issues of eliminating the strong thermal radiation induced lights oversaturation and de-blurring of images due to insufficient exposure at high temperature and high strain rate condition,as well as fabrication of high contrast speckle pattern for high temperature digital image cor-relation measurement were also proposed.The technique can now enable the split Hopkinson bar testing to be performed at high temperature up to 1873 K under the loading conditions of compression or tension with the in situ observation and full field measurement of deformation as well.The paper concludes with summaries of the most important achievements and highlighting of the prospects,trends and remaining challenges for future research.
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