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中菲关于南海主权的争端已经纵跨几十年,期间两国的关系也时紧时松。但进入21世纪以来,菲律宾却一反常态不断的挑衅中国、拉拢美日进入南海争端、在黄岩岛与中国形成对峙状态,2013年菲律宾更是凭借一份“起诉状”将中国与菲律宾在南海海域的争端递交国际海洋法法庭申请仲裁,使得两国的关系再跌低谷。中菲关系的突变是美国亚太再平衡战略背景下菲律宾亲美政策的表现,也是菲律宾面对中国的崛起不安的表现与东盟传统做法的继承,以及小国寻求最大化利益的结果。故新形势下南海局势的升温以及中菲矛盾的加剧,使得未来的结果也不太明朗。所以预测中菲矛盾未来的走势及其后果具有十分重要的现实意义。 The dispute between China and the Philippines over the sovereignty of the South China Sea has spanned several decades and the relations between the two countries have also been tight-timed and loose. However, since the beginning of the 21st century, the Philippines has unannouncedly provoked China and brought the United States and Japan into the dispute over the South China Sea to form a confrontation with China on Huangyan Island. In 2013, the Philippines relied on a “complaint” to separate China from the Philippines in the South China Sea Disputes over the maritime areas were submitted to the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea for arbitration, bringing the relationship between the two countries to another downturn. The sudden change in Sino-Philippine relations is a manifestation of Philippine pro-American policies under the rebalancing strategy in the United States. It is also a result of the Philippine’s uneasy performance in facing the rise of China and the traditional practices of ASEAN, and the seeking of maximum benefits by small countries. Therefore, under the new situation, the warming of the situation in the South China Sea and the intensification of the contradictions between China and the Philippines make the outcome of the future uncertain. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to predict the future trend of conflicts between China and the Philippines and its consequences.
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