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近年来,财政部积极落实国务院对“三农”工作的决策部署,充分发挥财政对金融机构的扶持作用,制定和实施了中央财政对新型农村金融机构的定向费用补贴政策。按照《中央财政新型农村金融机构定向费用补贴资金管理暂行办法》,中央财政对上年贷款平均余额同比增长且达到银监会监管指标要求的贷款公司和农村资金互助社,上年贷款平均余额同比增长、上年末存贷 In recent years, the Ministry of Finance has been actively implementing the decision-making plan set by the State Council on “three rural issues” and giving full play to the role of finance in supporting financial institutions. The Ministry of Finance has formulated and implemented a policy of subsidizing targeted fees for new-type rural financial institutions by the central government. According to the Provisional Measures for Funding Funds for Targeted Expenses of New-Type Rural Financial Institutions of the Central Government, the average lending balance of the previous year increased from the same period of the previous year as the average lending balance of the previous year increased and reached the requirements of the supervision indicators of the CBRC and the rural mutual fund. Deposits and loans at the end of last year
采用浸胚根法和浸根法对京欣一号西瓜种壳分离得到的尖孢镰刀菌(Fusarium oxysporum)进行致病性试验。结果表明:从接种后发病幼苗上分离得到的分离物与最初接种所用的镰刀菌
综述了水下焊接技术研究与应用的新进展 ,介绍了在先进科学技术的推动下水下焊接发展的主要特点及其主要应用领域 The new progress of research and application of underw
AIM:To characterise the cag pathogenicity island in Helicobacter pylori(H.pylori) isolates by analysing the strains’ vacA alleles and metronidazole susceptibil
泽麦特里乌斯·维凯拉斯(Demetrius Vikelas, 1835-1908) 国际奥委会第1任主席(1894年-1896年)。1835年生于希腊,是希腊 Demetrius Vikelas (1835-1908) First President o
建筑施工中使用附着式塔机,在某些情况下需要加大附墙杆的长度,本文提出长附墙杆的计算方法。1 公式推导如图所示,附墙杆的长度为1,所受的轴向压力为 P,由于杆件较长必须考