
来源 :国防科技工业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fanfrong
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近年来,面对国内外两个市场的严峻竞争形势,中国新时代控股(集团)公司坚持以科学发展观作指导,坚持以发展为第一要务,不断创新观念和工作思路,紧紧抓住主业,深化内部管理改革,使经营工作实现了快速发展。他们的做法,得到了国防科工委领导同志的充分肯定。最近,国防科工委副秘书长胡亚枫带领调研组到新时代集团公司进行了调研。国防科工委主任张云川在调研报告上专门作了批示,要求抓住此类典型,指导和引导全系统的工作。在这期《特稿》栏目,刊登了由本刊记者采写的反映新时代集团公司改革发展情况的系列报道。我们希望这次报道,能够对国有企业深化改革、创新观念、改进经营管理、促进企业文化建设,对推动国防科技工业的持续、快速、协调、健康发展,提供有益的借鉴。--编者 In recent years, faced with the grim competitive situation in the two markets at home and abroad, China New Era Holding (Group) Company has insisted on using the scientific outlook on development as its guidance and its development as the top priority, innovating its concepts and working ideas, and firmly grasped Main business, deepen the reform of internal management, so that the management has achieved rapid development. Their approach has been fully affirmed by the leading comrades of the State Commission of Science, Technology, Industry and Sports Commission. Recently, Hu Yaping, deputy secretary general of the Commission of Science and Technology for National Defense, led the research group to conduct research in a new era of group companies. Zhang Yunchuan, director of the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense made a special comment on the research report and demanded that such typical work be taken as guidance and guidance for the whole system. In this issue of “Special Feature”, a series of articles reflecting the reform and development of the Group Corporation in the new era were published by our correspondents. We hope this report will provide useful reference to deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises, innovating concepts, improving management and operation, promoting the building of an enterprise culture, and promoting the sustained, rapid, coordinated and healthy development of the national defense science and technology industry. --editor
本文结合根据实践经验结合工程实际对暖通空调工程设计中的问题进行了分析。 In this paper, based on practical experience combined with engineering practice of HVAC
2015年5月1日 晴  五月一日,爸爸带领我们全家游览了日照,日照是个海滨城市,它因蓝天、碧海、金沙滩而远近闻名。  刚到日照,我就迫不及待地下了车,一阵微风扑面而来,使人神清气爽。一块奇形怪状的石头矗立在那里,上面刻着三个金光闪闪的大字——万平口。远望去,海浪层层叠叠涌到岸上,击起的泡沫像一堆堆雪。海鸥在空中展翅飞翔,一艘艘轮船在汪洋大海中巡弋,大海和蓝天好像融为一体了。  我迫不及待地脱下鞋