
来源 :中国水土保持 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Gemini
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随着经济建设的迅速发展,人为造成新的水土流失愈来愈严重.因此,加强水土流失的预防监督和执法就显得特别重要.为了纠正执法中存在的一些局部性、暂时性的问题,开创“九五”监督执法新局面,我们认为当前应搞好“四抓”,做到“四个提高”.1 抓认识,提高水保观念严重的水土流失,不仅导致了生态环境恶化,自然灾害频繁,土壤退化,耕地减少,农业生产能力降低,而且直接影响着工业生产、人民生命财产及城镇的安全.随着人口的不断增加,经济的快速发展,人们开发利用自然资源活动的日益增多,新的人为水土流失不断加剧,直接影响着社会经济的发展.因此,要加强宣传,提 With the rapid development of economic construction, man-made new soil and water loss has become more and more serious, therefore, it is particularly important to strengthen the prevention, supervision and law enforcement of soil and water loss.In order to correct some of the partial and temporary problems existing in law enforcement, In the Ninth Five-year Plan, we should monitor the current situation of law enforcement, and we think it is imperative to do a good job in “four grasping” so as to achieve “four improvements.” 1 Understanding and improving soil and water conservation with a serious concept of water and soil conservation have not only led to the deterioration of the ecological environment and natural disasters Frequent decline of soil, reduction of cultivated land and reduction of agricultural production capacity have a direct impact on industrial production, people’s lives and property and the safety of towns and cities.With the continuous increase of population and the rapid economic development, people are increasingly developing and utilizing natural resources, The new man-made soil and water erosion is aggravating and directly affects the social and economic development. Therefore, we must step up publicity
【2017年高考作文备考热题】  阅读下面的文字,根据要求作文。  2016年3月,纽约地铁站台,一个女孩忘我地拉小提琴。演奏堪称完美,然而没人驻足。候车的人或看手机,或听耳机,或发呆……演奏的视频传到网上后,却引来近1000万人观看。原来,这个女孩是身价上百万美金的小提琴手林赛·斯特林,舞台上,她是最耀眼的明星,演奏会门票供不应求。可当她褪去华服,以最朴素的样子在地铁里演奏时,甚至没有人认出她…
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Methylation of the N6 position of adenine, termed N6-methyladenine, protects DNA from restriction endonucleases via the host-specific restriction-modification s