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浙江省庆元县总工会柳庭和报道为贯彻落实《中共中央关于加强和改进党的群团工作的意见》和全国总工会《关于新形势下加强基层工会建设的意见》,庆元县委采取6项举措,为工会创造良好的工作环境。六项举措是:1.确定县委副书记分管工会工作,确定副县长联系工会工作,切实加强对工会工作的领导;2.建立健全党委研究工会工作制度,县委常委会每年一至二次听取工会工作情况汇报,使企业工会经费由国税代征、职工医疗互助保障等工作得到有效落实;3.庆元县委将 Liu Tinghe, General Union of Qingyuan County, Zhejiang Province, reported that in order to implement the Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Strengthening and Improving the Work of the Party’s Mass Organization and the Opinions of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions on Strengthening the Construction of Grass-roots Trade Unions under New Situations, Six initiatives to create a good working environment for the trade unions. Six initiatives are: 1. Determine the county deputy secretary in charge of the work of trade unions, deputy head of the county to determine the work of trade unions, and conscientiously strengthen the leadership of trade unions; 2. establish and improve the work of party committees to study trade unions, the county standing committee once or twice a year to listen to the union Work report, so that the enterprise trade union funds collected by the national tax on behalf of workers, workers medical assistance and other work to be effectively implemented; 3. Qingyuan County
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