
来源 :小学生作文辅导(上旬) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dfyfl
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小学阶段的语文学习是培养学生文字语言学习的初级阶段,在这个时期,教师要把握住学生的兴趣点,从而提升他们对语文学习的兴趣和积极性。因此,教师要在教学的过程中寻求合适的教学方法,灵活转换教学的思维。本文论述的多媒体教学导入就从激发学生的兴趣点出发,利用设备中影音、图片、文字、动画来创设一个合适的教学情境,从而将教学内容生动、直观地展示给学生。同时,教师在语文教学过程中采用多样化的导入教学法,能调动学生的思考,让他们不 Language learning at primary school level is the initial stage of developing students’ language learning. During this period, teachers should grasp their interest points and enhance their interest and enthusiasm in language learning. Therefore, teachers should find suitable teaching methods in the teaching process and flexibly change the thinking of teaching. This article discusses the introduction of multimedia teaching, starting from the point of stimulating students’ interest, using the video, picture, text and animation in the device to create a suitable teaching situation so that the teaching content can be vivid and visual to the students. At the same time, teachers in the process of teaching Chinese using a variety of introduction of teaching methods, to mobilize the students’ thinking, so that they do not
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