实现新推进 谋求大发展

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今年是全面落实党的十六大和十六届三中全会精神,深化改革、扩大开放、加快发展的重要一年,也是落实金昌市第五次党代会提出的各项目标任务的开局之年,我们将以全面建设小康社会统揽全局,以加快发展为主题,以项目建设为重点,以深化改革为动力,努力在项目工作、结构调整、基础设施和生态环境建设、改革开放等方面实现新的推进。努力在项目工作上实现新推进。为切实做好项目工作,我们决定把今年确定为“项目建设年”,并制定具体的实施方案,明确重点项目,提出奖惩办法,定期检查督促。我们要结合金昌市资源优势和产业基础,在高新技术产业、农业产业化、农村“六小”及公共卫生体系和农村基础教育等方面,论证、筛选、储备一批拿得出、用得上、前景好的项目。下决心、花力气争取新上一批带动力强、经济效益好的大项目、好项目,以项目带动投资增长,以 This year marks an important year for the full implementation of the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the Third Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee, deepening reform, opening wider to the outside world and accelerating development. It is also the year in which the goals and tasks proposed by the Fifth Party Congress of Jinchang City are implemented , We will take the overall situation of building a moderately prosperous society as the overall guide and accelerating development as the theme. We will focus on the project construction and deepen the reform as the driving force and strive to achieve the goal of project work, structural adjustment, infrastructure and ecological environment construction and reform and opening up New promotion. Efforts to achieve new progress in project work. In order to do a good job in the project work, we have decided to set this year as the “Year of Project Construction” and we will formulate specific implementation plans, clarify key projects, propose incentives and punishments and regularly inspect and supervise them. We need to combine Jinchang’s resources and industrial base to demonstrate, screen and reserve a batch of high-tech industries, agricultural industrialization, rural “six small” and public health systems and rural basic education, Prospects of the project. Determined to spend the effort to win a new batch of strong motivation, good economic benefits of large projects, good projects, project-driven investment growth to
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