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从长江三源一路走来,历时三个多月,行程近两万公里,漂流500余公里,陷车数十次。2006年8月30日,我们追踪寻源,来到了长江正源最初源流的各拉丹冬雪山姜古迪如冰川。长江源区的冰川主要分布于青藏高原中部的唐古拉山脉主脊北翼和主峰各拉丹冬雪山,其次还有昆仑山脉南翼的部分冰川。这些冰川的分布地区平均海拔在5500米以上,目前的雪线高度是5500~5800米,各拉丹冬地区达到6000米。整个长江源区大约有冰川627条,冰川面积1168.18平方公里。长江源区的冰川发育,一方面受青藏高原季风气候的影响,另一方面受高原腹地山地所形成的局地干冷气候影响,形成了具有显著特征的大陆性冰川。根据多年的研究,江源地区在第四纪冰期(大约 Three sources from the Yangtze River all the way, lasted more than three months, nearly 20,000 kilometers trip, drifting 500 kilometers, trapped dozens of times. On August 30, 2006, we traced the search for sources and arrived at the various glaciers of the Gandhari Glacier, which is the earliest source of the Yangtze River Zhengyuan. The glaciers in the source region of the Yangtze River are mainly distributed in the north ridge of the ridge of the main ridge of the Tanggula Range in the central part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and in all the Mount Lhasa Dongshan Snow Peaks, followed by some glaciers in the southern wing of the Kunlun Mountains. The distribution of these glaciers averaged over 5,500 meters above sea level, with a current snowline height of 5,500 to 5,800 meters and an average of 6,000 meters in each of the areas. The entire Yangtze River source area has about 627 glaciers, glaciers area of ​​1168.18 square kilometers. The development of glaciers in the Yangtze River source area is affected by the monsoon climate of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau on the one hand and by the local dry and cold climate formed by the mountainous plateau in the hinterland of the Yangtze River, forming a distinctive continental glacier. According to years of research, the Jiangyuan area during the Quaternary ice age (about
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