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为了适应设计单位向企业化和社会化发展的需要,逐步改变用行政手段下达设计任务的办法,打破地区、部门的界限,开展设计竞争,防止垄断,更好地完成日益繁重的水泥工业设计任务,国家建材局就大同水泥厂扩建工程设计,实行招标办法。经国家计委批准,大同水泥厂扩建一条日产2000吨熟料的新型干法生产线。该厂事前发出招标通知书,邀请局属三个水泥工业设计院与核工业部、冶金部有关设计院参加投标,并召开了大同水泥厂扩建工程设计招标会。在会上由建设单位介绍建厂前期工作完成情况,并对投标单位提出具体要求,组织设计单位勘察现场。然后,各投标单位提交投标文件。由国家建材局、山西省建材总公司、大同市以及大同水泥厂的有关人员组成的评标小组,分别与各投标单位进行洽谈。经过审查评议,宣布天津水泥工业设计院中标。 In order to meet the needs of the design unit for enterprise and social development, gradually change the method of using administrative means to assign design tasks, break the boundaries of regions and departments, carry out design competition, prevent monopoly, and better complete the increasingly heavy design tasks of the cement industry. The National Building Material Bureau designed the Datong Cement Plant expansion project and implemented the bidding method. With the approval of the State Development Planning Commission, Datong Cement Plant expanded its new dry process production line with a daily output of 2,000 tons of clinker. The factory issued a tender notice in advance, invited the Bureau of the three cement industry design institute and the Nuclear Industry Ministry, the Ministry of Metallurgical Design Institute to participate in the bidding, and held the Datong Cement Plant expansion project design tender meeting. At the meeting, the construction company will introduce the completion of the preparatory work for the establishment of the factory, and put forward specific requirements for the bidders, organize the design unit to survey the site. Then, each bidder submits bid documents. The bid evaluation team formed by the National Building Materials Bureau, the Shanxi Province Building Materials Corporation, Datong City, and the Datong Cement Plant, respectively, negotiated with the bidders. After review and appraisal, announced that Tianjin Cement Industry Design Institute won the bid.
(一) 对医药卫生业结构的影响 1.从医院治疗和药物治疗转向预防和早期诊断生物技术的发展对药剂工业有革命性的重大影响。由于生物科学的发展,人们对有机体的生物学和生物化
济南轻骑摩托车总厂在海南省的中外合作企业——琼港轻骑摩托车开发有限公司最近将首批TB 50型(木兰)轻骑牌摩托车装船运往东南亚国家,从而结束了海南省无机电产品出口的历
1987年在瑞士举行了Dag Hammarskjold基金工作会议。该基金会最近在“发展对话”杂志上发表了一篇报告,其中提到生物技术公司对有商业前途的药用植物和传统药物特别有兴趣。
在我家所订阅的报刊中,每年都有所更换,唯独《意林》《意林·原创版》年年不落,一家三代,人人都特别喜爱。201 5年1 1月,我去北安办事,在一商店里,我一眼就看到了绿色封面的