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建筑施工中正在砌筑或已经砌筑好的墙体,在尚未安装楼板或屋面时遇到大风的情况下,如果不及时采取必要的加固措施(如加临时支撑),将有被风吹倒的可能。这类事故特别在沿海地区发生较多。因此,根据风力的大小,对墙体的自由高度作出具体规定,是保证施工安全必不可少的一项技术措施。《砌体工程施工及验收规范》GBJ14—66(修订本)第12条规定:“对尚未安装楼板或屋面的墙体,当可能遇大风时,应根据风力和墙的高度、长度、宽度、部位及容重等因素,采取支撑等措施,以保证其稳定性”。在施工中执行这一规定显然有一定的 In the construction of a wall that is being built or has been masonry, if a strong wind is encountered when the floor or roof has not been installed, if the necessary reinforcement measures (such as temporary support) are not taken in time, there will be wind blowing down. Possible. This type of accident has occurred especially in coastal areas. Therefore, according to the size of the wind, the specific provisions for the free height of the wall are an indispensable technical measure to ensure the safety of the construction. Regulation 12 of the “Code for Construction and Acceptance of Masonry Projects” GBJ14-66 (Revised) stipulates: “For walls that have not yet been installed with slabs or roofs, they should be based on the height, length, width, and height of wind and walls when high winds may be encountered. The factors such as the parts and the bulk density shall be taken to support their stability." The implementation of this provision in construction is obviously certain
国旗是一个国家的象征。世界上许多国家,如英国、美国、加拿大等,都使用英语作为母语,但这些国家的国旗都各不相同,各有寓意。英国(Gr eat Br i t ai n):英国的国旗又称“米
Ⅰ.选择填空1.I arrive at7:00,but I arrived at8:00.A.suppose to B.am supposed toC.was supposed to D.was supposing to2.—Do you often your friends’hom es?—Y es,
盒式水准器是美国建筑安装工程中广泛使用的一种测量工具,可供建筑构件、管道和工业设备等的标高和水平测量。它使用方便,准确度高。现介绍如下: 1.盒式水准器的构造盒式水
法国最近生产一种以水化硅酸钙为原料,以矿物纤维(非石棉)为增强材料的隔热保温板,其强度高,可大尺寸供货,切割方便。最高使用温度为980℃,容重256公斤/米~3,在40℃时 Fran
目前,广大农村商品经济十分活跃,促使农村集镇发展越来越快。但由于缺乏统一领导、统一规划,形成了集镇性质不明确,布局不合理,发展无方向的状况,急待研究 At present, the