Adventitious rhizogenesis in Bambusa nutans and Bambusa tulda: Influence of seasonal variation, IBA

来源 :Journal of Forestry Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:danyuhong
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The influence of seasonal variation, indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and type of cuttings was examined on induction and growth of adventi- tious roots in Bambusa nutans Wall. and Bambusa tulda Roxb. Single- node culm and culm-branch cuttings from the mature culms were pro- vided with immersion treatment for 24 h of either water (control) or 2 mM IBA in four different seasons, i.e., spring (mid February), summer (mid May), rainy (mid July), and winter (mid November) and maintained for two months in the mist chamber at the relative humidity of (70±5)% and the temperature of (30±2)oC. In B. nutans, adventitious rooting oc- curred in both types of cuttings in all the seasons with the best rooting in the summer season i.e., May (88% in culm cuttings) and the least in winter. On the contrary, adventitious rooting was recorded only in culm cuttings in spring and summer season in B. tulda. IBA treatment signifi- cantly enhanced rooting, root number and root length; registering 14 to 17 times improvement over control in the best rooting season. Three factor- interactions (season × cutting type × IBA treatment) were signifi- cant for rooting in B. nutans and all characteristics, except sprouting in B. tulda. Thus, single-node culm and culm-branch cuttings in B. nutans and culm cuttings in B. tulda treated with 2 mM IBA during spring (February) to summer (May) season are recommended for their clonal multiplication. The influence of seasonal variation, indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and type of cuttings was examined on induction and growth of adventi-tious roots in Bambusa nutans Wall. And Bambusa tulda Roxb. Single-node culm and culm-branch cuttings from the mature culms were pro- vided with immersion treatment for 24 h of either water (control) or 2 mM IBA in four different seasons, ie, spring (mid February), summer (mid May), rainy (mid July), and winter (mid November) and maintained for two months in the mist chamber at the relative humidity of (70 ± 5)% and the temperature of (30 ± 2) oC. In B. nutans, adventitious rooting oc- curred in both types of cuttings in all the seasons with the best rooting in the summer season ie, May (88% in culm cuttings) and the least in winter. On the contrary, adventitious rooting was recorded only in culm cuttings in spring and summer season in B. tulda. IBA treatment signifi- cantly enhanced rooting, root number and root length; registering 14 to 17 times imp Three factor-interactions (season × cutting type × IBA treatment) were signifi- cant for rooting in B. nutans and all characteristics, except sprouting in B. tulica. Thus, single-node culm and culm-branch cuttings in B. nutans and culm cuttings in B. tulda treated with 2 mM IBA during spring (February) to summer (May) season are recommended for their clonal multiplication.
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