防辐射围裙是放射科、牙科及介入治疗的工作人员和受检者在放射诊疗中必不可少的防护用具。目前普通防护围裙[1]防护功能单一、笨重,性能没有最优化。通过临床及实验室的反复试验,我们研制了新型多功能防辐射围裙。1 特点及性能1.1 铅当量的数值更加合理铅当量是衡量防护用具
Radiation protection aprons are necessary protective equipment for radiology, dental and interventional workers and subjects in radiation diagnosis and treatment. At present, ordinary protective aprons [1] have a single protective function, are heavy and have no optimized performance. Through repeated clinical and laboratory tests, we have developed a new type of multifunctional radiation protection apron. 1 Characteristics and Performance 1.1 Lead equivalent value is more reasonable Lead equivalent is a measure of protective equipment