
来源 :交通运输工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huier0001
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结合车站自律机、联锁系统、客运站股道运用技术作业及其要求,设计了基于分散自律控制原则的系统模型、功能与体系结构。运用现代排序理论,构建了股道运用实时调整可控排序模型和耦合模型,提出了基于合成分派规则的三步算法与股道运用通用启发式算法,求解股道运用系列决策问题,解决铁路行车及调车作业之间的干扰问题,并开发了CTC条件下铁路客运站股道运用决策支持系统。分析结果表明:合成分派规则的平均优化解明显优于基本分派规则的平均优化解,合成分派规则EDD+FIFO获得的解最优;实时调整时宜直接采用合成分派规则,尤其是规则EDD+FIFO,求解耦合问题时应综合考虑各种分派规则。可见,系统的功能、性能和技术指标均能满足股道运用智能编制和实时调整的现实需求。 Combining with the self-discipline station, interlocking system and the technical operation and its requirements of the bus station’s stock channel, the system model, function and architecture based on decentralized self-discipline control principle are designed. By using the modern sorting theory, a real-time adjustment controllable stock sorting model and a coupling model are established. A three-step algorithm based on the synthetic distribution rule and a common heuristic algorithm for stock channel utilization are proposed to solve the series decision-making problem of the stock channel utilization. And shunting operations, and developed the CTC decision support system for railway passenger transport stations under CTC. The analysis results show that the average optimal solution of synthetic allocation rule is better than that of basic allocation rule, and the solution obtained by synthetic allocation rule EDD + FIFO is the best. In the real-time adjustment, synthetic allocation rules, especially rule EDD + FIFO, Solving the coupling problem should be considered a variety of distribution rules. Obviously, the system’s functions, performance and technical indicators can meet the actual needs of the stock market using intelligent preparation and real-time adjustment.
<正> 明代五台山著名高僧镇澄法师在所撰《清凉山志》卷三“高僧懿行”中云:“传载高僧者,所以彰夫清凉宝山,实陶化圣贤之域。自佛法入中土,凡能出尘体道,以极佛化者,称高僧
手足口病是引起我国5岁以下儿童发病和死亡病例数最多的国家法定丙类报告传染病,每年都会导致严重的经济和社会负担,其主要病原体为EV71和CA16 .我国自2008年将手足口病列入