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巴基斯坦首都伊斯兰堡的美丽与宁静世人皆知。这座位于巴东北部海拔600多米的波特瓦尔高原上的年轻城市,背依高耸的马尔格拉山,东临清澈的拉瓦尔湖,南面是一片葱绿的山丘,依山傍水,一年四季绿树流翠,繁花似锦。登上伊斯兰堡北面的马尔格拉山的后山公园观景点,鸟瞰伊斯兰堡全景,整个城市城市建筑新颖美观,街道宽阔齐整,难怪享有世界“花园城市”的美誉了。2008北京奥运圣火传递路线将其作为境外传递的第10站。伊斯兰堡周围的景点更是可圈可点:世界著名考古遗址塔克西拉、古人与今人共同“涂鸦”的言拉斯岩画、须经绝壁上的小道方能与外界连接的罕萨……这些景点个个堪称世界经典,引得许多国家的旅行家纷至沓来,写实、摄影或潜心研究。人们是如此迷恋这座城市,即使是自由穿行的“赶脚”观光客,也深深沉醉于这段可令精神无比富足的别样旅程。 The beauty and serenity of Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan, is known to all. This young city on the Potawal plateau, located over 600 meters above sea level in northern Padang, is home to the splendid Malgara Hill, to the clear Laval Lake to the east and to lush green hills to the south. Four seasons green flow Cui, flowers. Mount Islamabad in the north of Islamabad mount Hou Shan Park viewing point, panoramic view of Islamabad, the city’s urban construction novel and beautiful, wide and neat streets, no wonder enjoy the world “Garden City ” in the world. 2008 Beijing Olympic torch relay route as the tenth pass overseas. Attractions around Islamabad is even more remarkable: the world famous archaeological site Taksila, the ancients and the present common “graffiti ” of Russian petroglyphs, must pass through the cliffs to be able to connect with the outside world Hunza ... ... These attractions are called world classics, attracting travelers from many countries after another, realistic, photographic or painstaking research. People are so infatuated with the city that even a free-going “catch-up” tourist is deeply indulged in a different kind of journey that can make the spirit extremely rich.
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If you came from a poor family and couldn’t go to a good school,could one book change your life?It did for Srinivasa Ramanujan,a bright young Indian boy.When h
德国朋友常说,战争使德国经济遭到严重破坏,但是技术人才保留下来了,正是依靠这支技术力量,加上不断培养出大批新的技术人才,德国才有战后的“经济奇迹”。 这话很有道理。