改革奋进 追求卓越——关于于洪区主城行政商务经济区建设情况的调研报告

来源 :沈阳干部学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jacky899
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今年年初,为优化发展空间、整合区域资源、提高行政效率、实现特色发展,于洪区全面实施了经济区行政管理体制改革,将全域划分为七大经济区,通过实施扁平化管理,明确了经济区和街道的关系,全面构建起职能明确、责任清晰的行政管理体系,有力地促进了工作下移、重心下沉、权力下放,极大地激发释放了经济发展活力,区域经济错位发展、竞相发展的良好局面初步形成。经济区体制运行以来,主城行政商务经济区管委会在区委、区政府的坚强领导下,在全区各职能部门的大力支持和密切配合下,积极推进经济区建设,促进了区域经济社会的快速发展。 Earlier this year, in order to optimize development space, integrate regional resources, improve administrative efficiency and achieve distinctive development, Yuhong District fully implemented the reform of the administrative system in the economic zone and divided the entire region into seven major economic zones. By implementing the flat management, Economic zones and streets, the comprehensive establishment of an administrative system with clear functions and clear responsibilities has effectively promoted the downward movement of work, the center of gravity and the decentralization of power, greatly stimulated the release of the vitality of economic development, the development of the dislocation of regional economy, and the competitive Good situation for the development of the initial formation. Since the operation of the economic zone system, under the strong leadership of the district party committee and district government, the administrative committee of the main city’s administrative and commercial economic zone has energetically promoted the construction of the economic zone and promoted the development of the regional economy with the strong support and close cooperation of various functional departments in the region. The rapid development of society.
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目的:探析麻醉护理管理麻精药品的有效方法,阐述自身体会.方法:本文行对照研究,采集麻醉护士2018. 01 ~2018. 12(干预前)期间管理数据纳入对照组;采集麻醉护士2019. 01~2019. 1